Page 87 of Mike

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She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. He had little patience when kept in the dark. The only way to take charge of a situation was head on. If she would just tell him, he could deal with it. Now he really started to worry.

“Would it be better if I held you?”

Again, her head jerked to him, her eyes filled with indecision.

“Come here.” He pulled her into his arms, pressing her head to his shoulder. She slid her hand under the flap of his shirt and rested it lightly on the center of his chest. He began to relax as her fingers played with his wisps of hair.

Contented to stay just like this, he massaged her back. Having Cassie in his arms brought peace and a feeling of belonging. He’d never allowed a woman to get close, but Cassie had already gotten under his skin. She made him hope for what he knew he couldn’t have. She fit perfectly into his life—until he remembered she would leave.

Yet he had allowed her in. Allowed her to be important. This woman could break his heart.

Lost in his thoughts, he scarcely realized she’d spoken.


“My sister.”

“Is something wrong with your sister?” His hands stilled.

Cassie gave a little sound very much like a snort. “You could say that.”

“You want to tell me what happened?” He rested his chin on the top of her head.

“You know my mom had surgery.”

“Was that yesterday?” He’d been so focused with her distress on the phone last night, he’d completely forgotten.

“Yes. My sister, two of my cousins, Mom’s preacher and her best friend were there.”

“She get along all right?” If something had gone wrong, surely she’d have told him before now.

“Mom did fine. When she came back from recovery, everyone left but me and my sister.”

When Cassie paused, he rubbed her back, offering comfort, letting her know she was safe in his arms.

“My sister attacked me.”

He forced himself not to flinch. Cassie spoke as though it was a normal occurrence. No change in her voice, no agitation in her body. Attacked as in how? He hadn’t seen any evidence of a fight.

“She said some horrible things. With Mom lying in a hospital bed not three feet away. Mom could have heard us. I was so mad I said some pretty mean things too.”

He hugged her tighter. “I can’t imagine you saying anything mean. I bet this will blow over after you both have had time to think about things. Your mom just had surgery. I’m sure your nerves, and your sister’s, played a factor in the argument.”

Sitting back, Cassie pushed against his side, bringing her eyes level with his. “I don’t think so. The things we said … this has been building up for some time. What made me so mad, she picked the day of Mom’s surgery of all days to pick a fight?”

“She must have some insecurities.”

“I’m the one with the insecurities. She’s a barrel of attitude.”

Cassie? Insecurities?

“Maybe she has a problem you don’t know about.”

“She’s got problems, all right.” Cassie settled back against him, her unique scent invading his senses. He closed his eyes and basked in her essence.

After a few moments, he noticed she still seemed anxious. “Is there something else?”


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