Page 65 of Mike

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“I’d rather find out now than be totally humiliated meeting someone who witnessed me making a jackass out of myself.”

“Okay.” Mike shoved from the counter and placed his mug on the table. Then he spun a chair around and sat with his arms crossed over the back. “You didn’t do anything out of character. Or, that is, anything you’d be embarrassed about. You let your hair down. And I get the idea you don’t do that too often.”


“Everyone needs to let loose once in a while.”

“Letting loose for me was drinking the shots I already had before you arrived.”

He leaned forward, his eyes as big as her saucers. “You mean climbing on top of the table and doing a strip tease was out of line for you?”

“Oh my God,” Cassie shrieked. When he belted out in laughter, she knew he’d been lying. The stinker.

“Enjoying yourself at my expense?”

“Couldn’t help it. You’re too easy when you’re hung over.”

“Well, get your jollies now, because you will never see me like this again.”

“Come on. Let me see a smile.” A corner of his sexy mouth lifted as he coaxed. Then he leaned his head to one side and peered into her face, delving into her eyes.

She’d never seen a man with such beautiful, blue eyes. Oh sure, she’d seen plenty of blue, but his were a hint darker that sapphires, closer to Persian blue. And when he looked at her the way he was looking at her now, she wanted to dive into them, dive into him, and …

He lifted his mug and leaned back, breaking their contact. As he stared into his cup, a puzzled expression crossed his face. The moment broken, she wondered if maybe he too, had been a little lost in her.

Who was she kidding? He’d brought her home and made sure she, nor Tammy, had gotten into trouble. End of story.

She should be more appreciative. Another man would have taken advantage.

“Thank you,” she said. At his raised brow, she explained. “For looking out for us.”

“My pleasure.” Again, he gave her a smile, hot enough to melt her bones.

Trust me.

Cassie studied Mike, probing beneath his good looks, penetrating his gentle eyes. There’s a saying—the eyes are the mirror to the soul.

If she could trust any man, it would be Mike.

Chapter 16

Mike drove up the two-mile road and pulled his Ford pickup to a stop in front of Shep’s A-frame log house. Every time he journeyed up the tree-lined lane, the sight of Shep’s home took his breath. Huge logs defined every section, from the A-structured ends with oak framed windows large enough to walk through to the A-designed middle, which centered another window showing the upstairs foyer. Slated rock with cement housed the wood pillars on the front porch. Trees surrounded the structure, completing the rustic, cozy home. Someday Mike hoped to have an eighty-acre farm and a house as nice as this.

Knowing Cap would probably be on the back deck, Mike made his way around the side, heading for the garden path and found Shep right where he knew the man would be. Hutch, his Alaskan Malamute, ears at attention, came loping to Mike’s side with his tail wagging. Mike scratched behind the big dog’s head.

“Figured you’d be along.” Bare feet propped on the wooden railing, Shep leaned back with a steaming mug in one hand.

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

“Checking up on your girlfriend’s cohort.”

“That’s one way to put it.” Mike chuckled as he climbed the steps. Hutch padded over to curl up beside Shep.

“Want a cup of coffee? Help yourself.”

“Nah. Had mine already. You sleep in?”

Shep took a sip of his brew before he answered. “That your subtle way of asking what time I got home?”

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