Page 49 of Mike

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“Got the report back on the Wimer property.”

“The house we used for training? Took them long enough.”

The quint’s engine roared and Shep waited for Laredo to back it into its spot in the bay before he continued.

“You were right. Signs of gas and explosives were found.”

Mike whistled through his teeth. “I knew it had to be something like that. Damn thing went up the second Ryan tossed the torch.”

“Heard you went with Jared to see him. How’s he doing?”

“Pretty banged up. Did you know he has staples from his knee to his groin? He could have lost his leg. The force of the blast broke his arm and a few ribs. He’s still on pain medication, but he seemed comfortable. The suit protected his body, but his face is burned. Backlash.”

“Sounds like he’s lucky to be alive.”

“Ryan said the same thing. His attitude is great. Still has his sense of humor. Can’t say I’d be as chipper if I were in his situation.”

“A good woman will do that to you. His wife is one of the good ones.”

Mike couldn’t help but wonder if she’d stick around after what had happened. She seemed nice enough. Ryan looked happy. They had both been smiling when he and Jared left.

“There’s too many questions on this one. Why would someone want to blow up that house?”

Mike drifted back to the conversation with Shep. “Especially when we were going to burn it down. Do you think the person responsible knew the fire department would be there?”

“I had that area cleared and posted. By all means, whoever did this knew about the training exercise. If they didn’t know anything else, they sure as hell saw the keep out signs.”

The idea had Mike clenching his fists. “Firefighters were hurt.”

“Yes. And I want answers. Hooley will find them.”

“Damn. It could have been a lot worse. If those guys had been standing any closer …” Mike didn’t want to think about the fact that the men he thought of as his brothers could have been seriously hurt or killed.

“You two look entirely too serious.” Jared stepped from one of the bay doors behind them. “I came out here to tell you the new guy is here. Mike, you got that look.”

“What look?”

“The one that says there’s trouble. What’s going on?” Jared shoved his thumbs in his front pockets. The smile he wore on a regular basis turned down in a worried frown.

“I got the report from the fire investigator,” Shep answered. “Looks like someone was out there messing around.”

“Some idiot turned on a gas line?”

Shep gave a nod. “Explosives.”

“The Wimers wouldn’t do that.”

“Of course not,” Mike agreed.

“I spoke to the old man,” Shep added. “He told me he cleared out the place and made sure everyone knew to stay away from there.”

“The posted signs were still up,” Jared said. “I saw them.”

“I confirmed with the gas company that Mr. Wimer did notify them about the department using the property, and the gas was turned off.”

“Then what the hell—” Mike started but Shep interrupted him.

“Tanks. Three of them.”

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