Page 22 of Mike

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Once the smoke was gone, what would he smell like? She tried to recapture his scent from the Mexican restaurant. A tantalizing aroma, all male. Spicy and man. She slammed the knife down in frustration, snatched a paper-towel and wiped her hands, then abandoned the food and charged down the hall to the towel closet. She grabbed two more towels, shut the door and hurried to the spare room. Easing the door open, she glanced about and heard the shower running. Her gaze landed on the partially open door to the bathroom.

Her pulse raced. Did she dare take a peek? She had extra towels for him. If he caught her … She had an excuse—that she came to pick up his dirty clothes.

She crept closer to the bathroom door, a matter of inches separated it from the closure. How in the world would she explain if she got caught spying on him in his shower? The idea of being noticed had her swallowing with apprehension. Then she spotted a hazy outline of his reflection in the bathroom mirror and the crazy notion of joining him pricked her brain.

Damn. This wasn’t like her.

Mike was the type of guy who’d put lustful thoughts in any girl’s head. Fighting her inner demons, she leaned her head against the doorjamb. When the water stopped, she jerked back. She could not get caught lurking. She dropped the towels on the bed, grabbed his belongings and fled.

She’d missed her chance.

After tossing his clothes into the wash, she headed back to the kitchen. The food prepared, she set two plates and silverware on the table. The aroma of fresh coffee filtered through the room. Suddenly, the back of her neck tingled, alerting her to his presence.

“I decided on omelets. There’s also a plate of sliced cheese and sausage,” she said as she turned. Whatever else she’d been about to say died in her throat.

Braced on one arm, Mike leaned against the doorjamb—looking powerfully male. Wet, dark hair spiked about his head as if he’d rubbed it vigorously to get it dry. Inky lashes curved above his glazed blue eyes and his sculpted cheeks crinkled in a wolfish grin. Her gaze lowered and she gasped. Black, wisps of hair dusted his tanned skin, streaming a trail over perfectly shaped abs, down his sculpted belly to where his hips formed that jaw-dropping angle.

She licked her dry lips and wondered if she would ever breathe normally again.

The towel covered a pair of sturdy thighs, well-shaped knees and calves, again with dark curling hair and … how could a man have nice looking feet?

“You were saying?” His smooth voice held a trace of mirth.

Her mouth worked, but she couldn’t get words past her lips. In her mind, she saw him step forward, tear off the offending wrap, and catch her as she flew into his naked arms.

She couldn’t move.

She simply drank in his natural sexuality. A throbbing began in her center and threatened to wet her panties. She stood agog as he shoved away from the wood and slowly came toward her.

“Omelets?” He stepped around her and pulled out a chair. “Mmm. Smells delicious.”

You’re delicious.

Forcing her drooling tongue back in her mouth, she lifted two mugs from the counter and joined him. After she slid onto her chair, she raised her face to his—the rascal had a shit-eating grin plastered on his lips.

He knew exactly how his state of dress—or undress—affected her. If he wanted to tease her, let him. It might be fun to see what he might do with only a towel to cover his manly parts.

“Help yourself,” she said in a throaty voice meant to entice.

Mike’s gut jerked. He’d like to help himself. Cassie had no idea how much control it took for him not to act on her words. If she knew how he longed to throw her on this table and bury himself in her heat, she wouldn’t be openly ogling him. He wondered if she’d follow through if he took her up on her unspoken invitation. Wearing only a towel, he expected her probing gaze to ignite the thing in flames. He already burned.

Although he was enjoying her scrutiny, he held back. Aching with need, his balls would probably turn blue in sheer disbelief that he’d denied them when he should have seized her and skipped the meal. He lowered himself to the chair. Damn. With his size, the towel was barely long enough to shield his bare cheeks against the smooth wood.

It might be brazen, but what other choice did he have? When he’d finished his shower, he’d known Cassie had been in the bedroom. If the towels on the bed and the disappearance of his clothes weren’t enough to convince him, her scent would erase any doubt. The bathroom door had been partially open. Had she lingered? Had she given in to her desires and looked? What healthy woman wouldn’t?

That thought tightened his balls. Cassie sneaking into his room, maybe even his shower. The bath towel on his lap lifted. At least with the table between them, she couldn’t see.

And if she did? Hell. She looked ready to burst into flames as it was. He smiled. Yeah. This should definitely be one interesting night.

“I thought you might be hungry. If you’d like something else, just let me know.” As soon as the words left her mouth, her face flushed. She quickly averted her eyes, realizing her statement had sounded suggestive.

Oh, he wanted something else, all right. And she knew what it was. He scarfed down a bit of food. He’d need his strength. Meeting her gaze, he lifted his mouth in a grin.

“I know it’s late, but I thought you might want the caffeine,” she said.

“You thought right,” he said and gave her one of his sensual grins. Her hand shook. Good. Anticipation was the best part. He took a gulp of coffee. “It tastes good.” He stared at her lips while he ran his tongue over his. “Not as good as you.”

Her eyes glazed over. He glanced down to her breasts and right on cue, her nipples puckered. The towel leaped again. His dick had become a yoyo.

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