Page 15 of Mike

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Cassie laughed. “I know how much you love your boys. And I know you talk through the side of your mouth sometimes.”

“I’m lonely, Cassie.” Tammy’s eyes grew sad and her expression bordered on pained. “I’m still young. My boys are the most important thing in my life. I just want a little romance to help me remember I’m a woman.”

“Oh, honey. I’m sorry that SOB deserted you.” Tammy’s husband had been a hound dog. “You’re pretty. You’re funny. Any man would be glad to have you.”

Tammy made a great show of glancing to the empty space beside her. “But there’s none around.”

God love her. Tammy was a good woman and Cassie’s closest friend. Tammy would do anything for anyone. She was kind hearted, loved her boys and never let a day go by without smiling. That’s why Cassie hated to see her so down.

“Don’t be in such a hurry. You’ll find the right guy.”

“I’m not interested in the right guy at the moment. Just a living, breathing one. Someone to spice things up a bit. Even flirting is enough for me.” Tammy gave a slight shrug while running her finger around the rim of her glass. “I don’t need a relationship. I want some fun. Like our dreamboats in uniform.”

“Mr. Sunglasses?”

“Man, he was hot. Too much for me to handle, but he was a lot of fun. It may have been a short sojourn, but flirting with him made my night.”

Cassie waved the waitress over to their table. “Two more please.”

“Who’s going to drive us home?”

“The next one is coffee.”

They ordered more food to absorb some of the alcohol they’d consumed and later, true to her word, Cassie ordered coffee.

Tammy stared down into her cup as she stirred in some sugar. “The crowd has come and gone. It’s a wonder they didn’t throw us out. People were standing, waiting for tables.”

“We’re paying for this table. We’re eating their food. Drinking their alcohol.”

“I think I’ve had enough.” Tammy opened her purse and pulled out her wallet. “Let’s go.”

Cassie climbed from the booth with a numb butt. If she looked back, she’d probably find an imprint on the cushion. Why had she agreed to wait so long?


Yes, she’d been as excited and eager as her friend. This was so out of her comfort zone. For nearly two years, she hadn’t cared if she dated or not. Guys were too eager to take her out, but she’d turned them down, making one excuse or another. Now she felt like she couldn’t wait to see Mike again. Sure, they’d flirted. But he seemed … different. Jared embodied a playboy, anyone could see that. Maybe Mike wasn’t the type to stick with one woman. But she was a big girl. Although, she did not believe in meaningless sex, in his case—


If he didn’t stir something in her she would not be having these thoughts. The man was hot. Lethal. He’d had her hormones active from the moment he’d sat beside her.

Cassie shook off her thoughts and followed Tammy to the front doors. She glanced at her watch as soon as they stepped into the night. “We were in there for four hours. Do you believe that?”

“Pathetic, isn’t it?” Tammy locked her arm around Cassie’s as they trudged forward.

“These are the actions of desperate women,” Cassie scoffed.

“Not desperate. Determined.” Tammy whirled her hand about. “Optimistic.”

“Rash.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe I sat in El Puerto’s for a delusion.”

“Want to come back again tomorrow night?” Tammy teased, but her voice also held a note of hope.

Cassie closed her eyes in exasperation. “I want to go home.”

“Just kidding.” Tammy pressed the button on her key remote and unlocked her car doors.

Cassie crawled in and leaned her head back against the headrest. “When I get home, I’m going to get involved in a steamy book. At least the heroine will get her man.”

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