Page 121 of Mike

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“Is your marriage in trouble?”

Her gaze shot to meet Cassie’s. “I never thought so. But it’s not what it could be.”

A real conversation, with her sister. Miracles did happen.

“You can work on that.”


I can’t believe she’s asking me.

The last twenty-nine years of oppressiveness floated from her shoulders. Jennifer was her sister and this could be the beginning of what Cassie wanted—a new relationship.

“Explore your feelings. Pay more attention to your husband.”

“Are you kidding? He’s never home.”

“When he comes home, what do you do? Do you greet him with warmth? Tell him you’re glad to see him? Fix him a special meal?”

“When he gets home at bedtime?”

“You don’t think he’s having an affair, do you?”

“No. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he stayed at work to avoid me.” Her shoulders slumped and she placed her fork beside her plate. “He says he has to keep me satisfied. And he’s not talking about the first thing you’d think. He means money.”

By her sister’s actions, it was easy enough to believe all Jennifer cared about was money. Diamonds graced each of her fingers, she drove a Porsche and bragged about her possessions to anyone who would listen.

“You can fix that,” she told her sister. “Take notice of what he wants. What he might like. When was the last time you did something for him?”

“I picked up his dry-cleaning for him yesterday.”

“Not that, Jennifer. For him personally. It could be anything from bringing him coffee or—I know. Have a drink ready for him when he walks in the door. If he gets home late, he has to be exhausted. You could take his briefcase or his coat. Give him a drink, lead him to the couch and rub his shoulders.”

“He’d think he was in the wrong house. Or with another woman.”

“Point made,” Cassie said with intensity. “Show him more attention. Give him a reason to come home.”

“I can’t change overnight.”

“But you can try. You’ve already noticed your marriage can be better. You seem willing to do something about it. Why not spruce it up a bit?”

“You want me to get a see-through negligee and lie on the couch naked?”

“If you want.” Cassie shook her head, wondering if her suggestions were pointless. “A simple gesture might go a long way.”

“Where do you get all of your great wisdom?” Jennifer said sarcastically.

Cassie immediately thought of Mike. Her pulse quickened and her face heated.

“I can only tell you how I feel.”

“Oh my God. You have a man in your life?”

“Don’t act so surprised,” Cassie grumbled, then picked up her fork and cut her scrambled eggs, taking her frustration out on them.

Jennifer slammed her palms on the table. “You do. The only reason I’m surprised is because you don’t date. Hardly ever.”

“Well, I do have someone and it’s serious.”

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