Page 106 of Mike

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“Shit. All right. I’ll meet you there.”

Good. Cassie didn’t like talking while driving and she had enough to distract her as it was.


Struck by a bullet.

What had happened? She sped to the hospital like a demon.

She rolled into the ER parking lot on two wheels.

Her stomach rolled with nausea.

Keep calm.

She ran through the double doors and straight to the emergency counter.

“I’m here to see Mike Armstrong. The firefighter that was shot.”

“You and every other reporter, honey. Get in line.”

“What?” Horrified, Cassie stared at the woman on the other side of the desk.

“Are you family?”

“Uh, no. I—”

“Then don’t waste my time.”

Anger flushed her face. “Now, see here.”

“Cassie?” She turned to the sound of a man’s voice.


Cold dread washed over her. Seeing Jared’s worried expression suddenly made everything real. She fell into his hard chest and his arms clasped around her. She couldn’t fall apart now. She had to be strong, whatever the news might be.

Oh God. Please let him live.

Tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. She couldn’t stop them. The floodgates had burst. Her shoulders started to shake.

“There, now. Mike will be okay,” Jared rumbled in a low voice. Sturdy hands rubbed her back, ringing out the pent-up tension. The last time she’d cried, Mike had held her. Mike had been the one to soothe her.

With her eyes closed, she stepped back and inhaled, filling her lungs. The potent smell of medicine filled the corridor. She dug in her pocket for a tissue. Finding none, she swiped her cheeks with the back of her hand.

“Do they know anything? Is it bad?”

“Mike’s been in tougher spots than this.” A man she didn’t know stepped beside her. A slight smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “The bullet was just a scratch.”

“Then he was shot?” Her eyes flew open with renewed terror.

“He’s okay,” Jared assured her.

“Tell me what happened.”

“Mike had on his helmet. Like Cooper, here, said. It’s just a scratch. We’re waiting on the doctor now. I promise. He’ll be right as rain.”

“Hi. I’m Cooper. Why don’t you come on over here with us?” the young man said, guiding her. “We’re all waiting.”

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