Page 36 of Devil's Savior

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Thoughts of how I can show Crosby my gratitude for thinking of me and making me smile flash through my mind. I won’t be able to put any of those naughty thoughts into action until tonight, but that doesn’t stop me from sending him a text to thank him for the flowers.

And, yes, I’m smiling the entire time.



The sounds of the crew working around me are soothing. I know it wouldn’t be for a lot of people, they would be annoyed at how loud it is. While I hear the noise of it all, I also hear progress. It rings in my ears and reminds me that I’m part of building something from nothing.

There is power in that.

It takes time, dedication, hard work, and some skill to accomplish, but when the task is done you can step back and know that where nothing stood before there is now something to find pride in. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a home or a commercial property because both have merit and a place in this world.

Maybe that’s why I haven’t minded needing to put in the extra work when it comes to Sioux. Before she came into my life, there was nothing there other than the occasional romp in the sheets with an angel or some random woman. But it wasn’t meaningful. Not like it is with my Firefly.

Before I met her there was nothing in my heart, other than the club, but it’s going to take everything in me to build something beautiful, something that will withstand time and all the shit life can throw at you. We’ll be solid and strong.

Of that I have no doubt.

And now that I’ve gotten her to start believing in us as well, I can see even more worth in the foundation I’ve laid.

We will be happy.

We will love each other.

We will form a family built on love and devotion.

What could be better?

I wish I could have seen her face when she got the flowers I sent her. Maybe it was kind of a cheesy move, but I don’t even care. She needed to know I was thinking of her, especially after we spent the weekend together while connecting in a way she wouldn’t have allowed before.

I’m sure Mrs. Bisby teased her about the flowers somehow and I bet my woman blushed. The memory of her flushed skin after she came on my tongue a few nights ago flashes in my mind and I push it away in the hopes that I don’t embarrass myself at my own damn job site.

Hammer, who helps me run the business for the club, slaps me on my back and pulls me from my thoughts of Sioux. I want to growl at him to leave me alone, but I know I can’t. I should be paying attention to what is going on around me. When someone loses focus on a site that is when shit can go badly quickly.

“You looked a million miles away,” there’s some censure in Hammer’s words which are right on point. I give him a chin lift to acknowledge what he’s not saying outright. “Do your wandering thoughts have anything to do with a certain hot blonde you brought to the clubhouse Friday night?”

I narrow my eyes at my brother, protectiveness and possessiveness roaring to life inside of me. He holds his hands up and chuckles. It’s enough to force me to calm the fuck down.

The job site is not the place to punch out my club brother especially since all the people around work under us. We might not be the most professional men, considering we’re just fucking bikers, but we do take our jobs seriously.

If Lucifer found out I punched out Hammer in front of our employees, he would kick my ass. I’d like to avoid that as much as possible. The man might be getting up in years, but I wouldn’t want to go up against him.

“Don’t talk about my woman,” the warning is clear in my tone and he only grins at me like he finds me amusing as fuck.

“I know you’ve been hooked on her for a while, but how whipped you are surprises the fuck out of me.”

I narrow my eyes at him, but shrug one shoulder, not giving a single shit that Sioux owns my ass. “One day when you meet your woman, I’ll remember how much shit you gave me about mine.”

Hammer scoffs, but there’s a faraway look in his eye that has me wondering if he only protests finding someone and settling down to protect himself. I can’t say I don’t get it, but he’ll sing a different tune when whoever is meant for him appears in his life.

Instead of firing back at me, Hammer turns his attention toward the crew. “They’re working hard. I should be ready to do the punch list late next week and then we’ll get all that shit fixed and get an inspector out here to sign off on the final build.”

I nod, my eyes scanning over the work being done. “Works for me,” I grunt, still a little salty over my brother talking about my woman. From the smirk he throws my way, he knows it too.

The fucker.

Before either of us can say anything else, my phone goes off in my pocket and my shoulders tense when I see that it’s Lucifer calling me.

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