Page 33 of Devil's Savior

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I don’t know who hates Monday mornings more—the teachers or the students. Not that it’s a competition. We can all equally hate the heralding of a new week equally.

This morning, after spending the weekend with Crosby, not all of it naked either, has a little bit of a spring in my step. I try and tone down the feeling of giddy joy inside of me to stop it from spilling from me and throwing rainbows and glitter all over everyone. No one wants to be confronted with someone too happy on a Monday morning.

And there is part of me that wishes the weekend never ended.

But that’s just because Crosby was intent on spoiling me and did an amazing fucking job of it as well. I barely lifted a finger as we spent time together talking, cuddling, grazing on some good snacks and food, and watching movies. The only time we had to leave the house was when he had Church and I got to spend that time with Wrenley at her house. I can’t remember the last time I had such a relaxing weekend.

I wasn’t thinking about the upcoming week. I wasn’t worried about how well my recovery was going. I wasn’t even trying to avoid the man who I didn’t want to admit I was falling for with every moment of care he gave me.

Now, I can’t deny the last thing any longer. Not after spending the weekend wrapped up in him.

The only problem with how much time we spent together was that nothing else sexual happened between us after he ate my pussy like I was a damn delicacy Friday night when we got back home after the party at the DSMC clubhouse. And I wanted more to happen. I wanted everything.

Now, after two days of teasing touches and closeness, I’m a horny mess. And work is the last place I want to feel on edge because I didn’t have Crosby’s cock filling me all weekend.

Which is why it’s a damn good thing no one really pays that much attention on Monday, everyone is too busy mourning the start of a new week. Because if anyone were to look at me for too long, I know they would see the sparkle in my eyes and the slight flush on my face.

I’ve tried to shake the memories of waking up in Crosby’s arms, naked with our bodies pressed together, on Saturday morning. Everything from the night before rushed back through my mind and my thighs squeezed together with every very erotic visual.

The way his eyes captured mine and wouldn’t let go of my gaze as he made me come on his tongue. The way his hands felt skimming over my skin with beautiful reverence. The way my entire body felt relaxed and at peace as he slid into bed behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

I wanted to keep my eyes closed for longer, unwilling to pop the bubble of peace I had found for the first time in so damn long. Crosby’s steady breathing at my back, his large form wrapped around me protectively, was like a lullaby and a tease all in one.

Did I press my ass back against his very hard cock? You better fucking believe I did.

“Watch it, Firefly,” the sexy rumble of his voice still laced with sleep had me freezing in place.

“I thought you were still asleep,” I rasped, not sounding nearly as good first thing in the morning as he did.

Because of course he oozes hot biker no matter the time of day.

He huffed out a rough chuckle and kissed along the column of my neck. “I’ve been awake for a while, but I couldn’t force myself to stop holding you.”

Yeah, I fucking melted at his confession while I marveled at how fucking sweet my big biker could be. My mind skittered to a stop at the thought of him really being mine.

I hadn’t allowed myself to claim him in such a way, even in my head, because it felt too intimate. And too close to the truth.

My body relaxed back against his without me meaning to and I realized just how true my thoughts were. I wanted to claim him. I wanted to be his and for him to be mine.

It’s exactly what he had been offering me since the moment we met, but I refused to recognize or acknowledge it. But that didn’t mean I didn’t want it.

I made a humming sound, not wanting to show him just how deeply his words touched me. His arms tightened around me, and my body reminded me that I wouldn’t be able to stay in his embrace much longer. Because my body was starting to insist on the use of a bathroom.

“So sweet first thing in the morning,” he murmured, his rough voice laced with amusement.

I huffed and rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me. “I guess that’s what a good orgasm will get you,” I teased.

“Good?” I could hear incredulousness in that one word. His hands gripped my body, and he turned me gently before pulling me flush against him again. The way his dark eyes sparkled in the morning light was enthralling. With an arched eyebrow, he pushed, “Just good?”

“Sufficient, I suppose,” my voice was all prim and proper aloofness.

Instead of being offended that I wasn’t genuflecting at his feet, Crosby’s laugh lit up my heart and made it pound against the inside of my chest. I realized that I could get used to waking up next to him. And I wanted it to happen again and again.

Like for the rest of our lives.

I shook my head as the thought gripped me and wouldn’t let me go and the world around us spun. Suddenly, it was like I couldn’t take a deep enough breath and it was starting to freak me out which was not helping matters at all.

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