Page 17 of Devil's Savior

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I wish it felt like the goodbye I know it should be, but my words are simply about gratitude. And not nearly enough. I’m not sure anything could really be enough to express how much I appreciate what this man has done for me.

He leans forward and kisses my forehead as he speaks against my skin, “Always.” When he pulls back, something changes in his expression as his eyes sweep down my body and then back up again. “As much as I wish I could talk you into staying home tonight because you look fucking delectable, I know you need some time with your girl.”

I glance down at my outfit, knowing he’s seen how my jeans are molded to my body and how the halter top that I’m wearing hugs every one of my curves while showing off the girls fucking perfectly. Then there are the boots which bring me a few inches closer to Crosby’s height. I’m still shorter than him, but, unfortunately, the way he towers over me only adds to the man’s appeal.

As if he needs any help in that department.

I narrow my eyes as if my best friend is standing in front of me and hiss, “She’s been hiding something and I’m going to find out what it is.”

Crosby chuckles and offers me his elbow like a fucking gentleman. Something settles—a rightness—when I hook my arm through his and allow him to lead me out of my room and then the house. I’m surprised as hell when he leads me over to his bike instead of his truck.

Anytime he’s needed to take me somewhere he’s never even looked longingly at his bike while taking me right to his truck. Now we’re getting on the back of his bike?

We never really had the chance to do this before I was shot. We were too busy flirting before having an explosive night together. Then I was putting distance between us.

I know what it means to be on the back of his bike.

When I look up at him, my eyes wide and full of questions, he simply flashes me a devastating grin and kisses my forehead. He grabs a helmet, one that is bright blue with glitter, out of his saddle bag. It doesn’t match his aesthetic at all, and I know, without a doubt, that he got it just for me. Why does that make a lump form in my throat?

Instead of focusing on the way he’s caring for me, even in such a seemingly small way, I watch him. I don’t even try to hide the way I watch his muscular body flexes as he throws his leg over his bike.

With his free hand outstretched, offering so much more to me than steadying me for when I climb on behind him, I know I won’t be able to deny what is between us for much longer. Even if I want to. Even if the prospect of it frightens the hell out of me.

“It’s where you belong,” he prompts me gently when I take a moment too long to put my hand in his.

But then I do it and that feeling of rightness grows from an ember to an inferno inside of my chest.

Crosby may be my ruin, even more than I knew Apostle would be. It’s strange how two men can exist inside of one. But I see it now clear as day.

Sliding onto the seat behind Crosby’s large body feels like home. As I wrap my arms around his muscular torso, barely stopping myself from caressing his cut abs, my life seems to click into place.

Fuck. My head wants to fight against the feeling, but my heart is another matter altogether.

Why can’t I give into this and enjoy it, even if it only for one night?

One night that turns into a lifetime.

I shush the inner voice in my head that is firmly on the side of my heart instead of the logical side of my brain as I snuggle against Crosby’s back. His leather cut is soft against my skin and the edges of his DSMC patch remind me just who this man is.

He’s a force of nature—strong and full of contained violence. But he’s shown me another side of himself all these months.

He’s a man capable of so much care that recalling all the times he’s stepped up, even when I didn’t want him to, makes my eyes water. I’ve spent so much time pushing him away.

And for what?

There’s no denying that he’s still right here. Standing tall and strong in the face of my defiance. It doesn’t even piss him off. In fact, I think he finds it amusing. Which should really piss me off, but it doesn’t.

It makes him all that more attractive.

I slip the helmet that is clearly mine on when he hands it back to me and then we’re roaring down the road. I grip him tighter and allow my body to relax, taking every turn and allowing him to lead me in way that has my heart soaring in my chest.

Have I ever felt this free?

Have I ever felt so right?

I can’t recall a time if I’m being honest. Is this living, truly living? I’m almost positive I could get used to this.

The wind rushes past us and not even the sounds of the city encroach on our little bubble. The light in the sky is fading quickly and the oranges in the sky remind me that life is worth living.

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