Page 15 of Devil's Savior

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Prodigal’s hand whips out and he slaps one of his best friends on the back of the head. “That’s my fucking sister,” he warns as Lucifer’s eyes turn flinty.

“Ow, fuck,” Hacker exclaims and rubs the back of his head. He doesn’t sound nearly sheepish or apologetic enough when he adds, “My bad, brother, but I’m just stating a fact. I get that she’s still the club princess, unless you have a daughter and some of these other fucks start procreating, but you gotta come to terms with the fact that she’s going to be a mom. Sooner or later,” he tacks on like that’ll help his fucking case.

“Dude,” Tack stage whispers out of the side of his mouth, “get back to work because you’re knocking on Death’s door right now like he’s hosting a rager.”

Lucifer glares at Hacker for a moment more before shifting his attention back to his son. “Congratulations. I’ll do my best to keep this from your mom, but she can smell when I’m hiding something from her that’s not club business from a fucking mile away.”

“We plan to tell everyone soon, but I just couldn’t not mention it right now. Not when the RRMC is involved in this conversation.” Prodigal is resolute when he admits, “My wife and my baby come first. Their protection is my first priority.”

Lucifer nods, understanding written across his face. “Of course. Hacker,” he snarls our brother’s name, still not over his casual words from moments ago, “will gather intel and I’ll get with Dante to fill him in. I’m sure the Guidice family will want to be involved in whatever we do. We’ll bring it to the table at Church and come up with a plan.”

We all nod, grunts of approval and agreement going around the room. Our Prez gives one more curt nod before he flashes a smile at his son filled with warmth and even a little excitement. The man might live for the club, but we all know his grandbabies are going to be spoiled rotten.

As we start to file out of Lucifer’s office, I slap Prodigal’s back. “Congratulations, brother.”

The words are genuine, but I can’t help the little bit of jealousy that seeps into my heart. I want what he has with Wrenley. It’s so fucking close—right there at my fingertips. I’ve had to be patient, for the sake of my woman’s health, but that doesn’t mean it’s been easy.

Even though worry still lines his features and terror lurks in the shadows of his eyes, he flashes me a smile. “Your time is coming, Apostle. I know why you haven’t pushed her, and it was the right thing to do. It’ll pay off; don’t give up on your woman just yet.”

“Never,” I vow, meaning it to the depths of my soul.



Fuck, this week has been a long one. My body does not want to keep the day going, but I’m not missing out on a DSMC party. I need to go and spend some time with my best friend. She’s been acting cagey and I’m going to get to the bottom of it.

Wrenley isn’t the only one who has been a little off for the last few days. Even though Apostle has tried to put up a front, I know there is something going on. It’s in the way his eyes will lose their focus here and there. He’s always there, present, when we’ve been at his place together, but it’s like something is missing.

I probably shouldn’t be as bothered by it as I am. I’m the one who has been saying there’s nothing between us while mentally counting down the days until I have a clean bill of health in order to resume my normal life. And move back into my place.

Still, I hate that he’s been distracted for the last few days.

Something happened after he brought me lunch at school a few days ago. I have no idea what it is though and that’s just pissing me off. I’ve never been good at letting something go.

It’s one of the things that makes me a great friend, especially to someone like Wrenley who had to hide her pain and hurt over the way her parents emotionally, and to an extent physically, abandoned her after the death of her sister. If I hadn’t been persistent as hell in not allowing my best friend, someone I consider my soul sister, to fade away I don’t know where she would be right now.

She probably wouldn’t be as blissfully in love as she is. Even though it’s kind of gross.

Fine, not really, but I resent the little sliver of jealousy I feel when Prodigal dotes on her.

You could have the same thing if you would stop trying to push Apostle away.

Thank you, little voice in my head that won’t let me keep my heart in one piece. Not gonna happen.

As I zip up my second boot and stand, I force my shoulders back and place my fists on my hips. It’s a power pose which, apparently, can change your whole mindset. I don’t think it’s helping much, but who am I to argue with the random internet article I read once upon a time?

When I hear a knock on my door, I don’t get the chance to drop my hands before Apostle opens the door and strides into the room. He takes in my stance and a small smirk lifts one side of his far too fucking sexy mouth. Damn this man.

I shriek, “What if I was naked, Apostle?”

The man growls and strides toward me like he’s a hungry predator on the edge of going feral. The need and desperation in his eyes have my thighs squeezing together. Don’t judge me—it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten any and the night that I shared with the man in front of me was the best sex of my whole life.

“Sioux,” there’s a warning in his voice, “the next time you call me by my road name, I’m going to put you over my knee and spank your ass until it’s red and you’re begging me to stop or fuck you for the rest of the night.” I gasp and go to take a step back, but his arm shoots out and wraps around my waist. His eyes are intense and fully focused on me as he hauls me against his chest. “And if you were naked when I walked in then we’d be skipping the party.”

I suck in a sharp breath and my mind completely blanks. I’m not sure if it’s because of the promise in his voice or his threat to spank me. I should tell him I’m not interested, but we both know it would be a lie.

After a few days of him being distracted by something, it feels disgustingly good to have all his focus. Internally I preen at the attention while fighting to keep my face neutral. From the way his eyes sparkle, it’s clear he can see right through me.

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