Page 40 of Merc

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“You prayed and fasted for me. You opened my heart. You made me start to love you. Ain’t no cuttin’ that shit off. If you need some time to heal so you can see me for me and not him, I’m cool with that, but this ain’t over.”

With a sigh, she leaned against the doorframe. “My Uber is here.”

I walked over to her and gave her a lingering kiss. “Let me know when you get home, Neo.”

“I was serious about what I said.”

Sucking my teeth, I pulled her into my space and gave her another kiss. “Let me know when you get home. All that other shit you talkin’ about really don’t matter.”

Her eyes rolled as she walked away. That was cool. She could have her little attitude, but it wasn’t going to change shit. Neo was mine, and the sooner she accepted that, the better.

That Sunday Evening

“Please tell me Neo not being here all weekend isn’t because of me,” Aries said after I put Marz to sleep.

I hadn’t had an actual conversation with Neo for the rest of the weekend. As much as I wanted to talk to her, see her, and hold her, I wanted to give her the space she needed to receive clarity on the situation. I did check in with her daily to make sure she was good, but that was it.

“Nah. She has a fresh relationship wound. The last nigga she was with cheated on her with his baby mama.”

“Ouch.” It wasn’t funny, but Aries’ pained expression made me laugh. “She really didn’t need to see us have that conversation, Merc. I can’t imagine how that made her feel.”

My head shook as I sat next to her on the couch. “Nah, she needed to see it. I’m not going to hide the way we handle each other from my wife, whether it’s good or bad.”

“Your wife?” Aries repeated softly.

“She the one. I just… don’t know how to get her to see that.”

Her smile was soft as she rested her hand on my thigh. “It’s not for her to see it first; that’s on you. When you know she’s the woman in the vision you have for your life, your pursuit, protection, and provision is what will allow her to see that.”

Sucking my teeth, I side eyed her. “How you know all that yet let Omar have you out here going out bad?”

She laughed like I hoped she would. “Listen, we’re not gonna talk about that, okay? All I can say is the dick had me in love, and I really felt like I’d taken so much from you.” Her smile fell and tone grew serious. “You do more for me than is required. It’s men out here who barely pay child support, yet you allow me to live here rent free, and you pay the rest of my bills. Omar and I had a genuine connection; it just wasn’t one that should have led to marriage, but I didn’t want to accept that. He seemed like my way of finally standing on my own two feet and not having to depend on you so much. I’m just glad you stood firm and didn’t let me go out bad. I might have hated you for it, but I know you had me and Marz’s best interests at heart.”

“Always, and I always will. And you’re not a burden on me, Aries. When we had our son, I made up in my mind to do whatever I had to do to make sure neither of you wanted for anything. It’s literally nothing for me to provide for you financially. You’re nurturing my son. That’s the least I can do for you.” Her eyes started to water, and I didn’t want her to get emotional again, so I stood. “If you’re craving independence, open a business. If it provides enough for you to pay your own bills, pay them hos. But it’s not a requirement that you do. I meant it when I said I’ll provide for you until your husband can.”

Wiping a quickly fallen tear, Aries nodded. “Thank you, Merc,” she almost whispered.

“You’re welcome. But if you really want to thank me, fix me a banana pudding tomorrow since your ass ain’t got shit else to do.”

As she laughed, she tried to hit me with a pillow, but I was able to walk away.

“Get your greedy ass out, but I got you.”

Once I was home and settled, I sent Neo a good night text like I’d done for the past two nights. Like the past two nights, she replied with, good night Mercury. Pinch Marz’s cheeks for me.

How about you come do it yourself tomorrow?

Her dots popped up and stayed on the screen for a while, but she didn’t respond. I’d take that. It was better than a no.




One Week Later

Productivity helped keep me from going after Merc even though I missed him so much. Protecting myself hurt, but it didn’t hurt nearly as much as destroying my relationship with Merc would have because of Steven. It didn’t matter how much I told myself they weren’t the same, Merc was like a mirror. Or maybe, he was like a second chance. I didn’t know if the second chance was for me to choose not to be with a man who had kids, to avoid being hurt, or if he was a second chance to prove I could be with a man who had kids and not get hurt. Either way, I didn’t want to make a move until I was absolutely sure.

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