Page 24 of Little Bird

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Parking her car in my designated spot in the parking garage, I shut the car off and surveyed the full lot of expensive cars.

I didn’t belong here.

Shaking that thought off, I exited the driver’s side and walked around the back of the car, fighting a grin at the small, pink sticker in her rear window that read, You just got passed by a girl.

Carefully opening the door, I squatted and released her seatbelt, gently shaking her arm to wake her. She blinked slowly, her eyes coming into focus as she assessed her surroundings.

“Sorry.” She blushed, and I stood, offering her my hand as she stepped out of the car. Wobbling on the sexy shoes, she took my offered support and rested her other hand on my chest. “You’re sweeter than I imagined,” she whispered, threading her fingers with mine and following me through the lot to the elevator.

We stood in the metal box as it raced to the lobby, and I was struck by her simple words. What had she been expecting? Who was I supposed to be?

“It’s only for you, little bird.”

“You’re not what I expected.” She leaned on me as we exited the elevator and walked across the lobby to the elevator that would take us to my apartment. The nighttime clerk, John, waved from his desk, and I nodded in acknowledgment.

“What were you expecting?” I asked as we waited for the elevator. She looked up at me and then at the grand lobby over my shoulder.

“Didn’t expect you to have money, for starters.” She gestured behind us.

I was waiting for that comment. “Anything else?”

“Hmm. Don’t take this the wrong way, but no visible scars.” Her eyes skimmed over my face and exposed skin.

“And where would I have gotten those?” She blushed, but I saw where her mind was going. “I didn’t get in any fights,” I assured her. “It’s not my scene.”

“I know you have tattoos, but I can’t see them.” We stepped into the elevator, and the doors closed once I pressed my floor. Slowly, we began our ascent.

“Were you expecting them on my neck and face?” Her blush deepened as she leaned against the wall of the elevator.

“Maybe. You’re not fitting any of the stereotypes.” The cab came to a stop, and the doors opened. I extended my hand to her, leading her to my apartment door where I typed in the code to unlock the door.

She made a little noise of surprise as she took in the lavish apartment, her big, blue eyes darting over the couch, kitchen, and big windows that overlooked the park right behind the building and the rest of the city beyond.

I kicked off my shoes at the door and then kneeled to unstrap her heels. She crouched with me, pushing my hands aside. “You don’t have to do that.” Silently, I gently brushed her hands to the side and continued untying the thin strap around her ankle.

“Please,” I murmured when she frowned at me. She stood and let me take off her right shoe. I caressed the arch of her cold foot, kneading the sore muscles, and she sighed. I repeated the action with her left and then stood, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before leading her into the kitchen.

She slid onto a barstool, holding her head up with both hands as she watched me. I found the frozen pizza I’d seen earlier and turned the oven on. At that moment, I was thankful the place came stocked with food, dishes, and appliances. I wouldn’t be here with her now if it didn’t.

Once the oven had heated up, I slid the pizza in and turned back to the fridge. “Water?” She shook her head.

“I’m not ready.”

“Not ready for what?”

“To wake up from this dream.” Rounding the counter, I stood in front of her. Sliding both my hands into her thick, silky hair, I made her look at me. My thumb traced her bottom lip, pulling it from between her teeth.

“It’s not a dream, Harley. I’m real. We’re real. This is real.” She nodded, her eyes glazing over with lust.

“Don’t make me beg, East. I hate begging for what I want.”

“Tell me what you want, Harley. I can’t read your mind, little bird.” I brushed my nose to hers, inhaling her sweet scent. A trace of alcohol lingered in the air between us, and I knew it was clouding her judgment, reminding me that I needed her to eat so she could sober up a bit. But I wanted her to beg for me. For us.

“You. I want you.” Her lips ghosted over mine, teasing and testing my patience all at once.

“Where do you want me?” I nipped at her bottom lip, devouring her moan.

“Everywhere, Easton. I don’t just want you; I need you everywhere.” My little bird was begging.

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