Page 21 of The Lycans: Vol One

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“You’re young, Luna. So young.”

I looked back at Adryan and wanted to point out the same thing. He was only a few years older than I was.

“And he’s…”Adryan growled low and looked at Banner. “Not.”

“I want this.” I took another step toward him. “I’m sure I want this, Adryan,” I said instead of responding to his last part. I waited until he looked back at me, until he started to relax once more. “I’m sure I want to see how this goes with my mate. I’m sure I want to make my own decisions, figure out my own mistakes and learn from them.” I shrugged. “I know everything won’t be perfect and harmonious all the time. But I also know I want to figure it out, and I want to do that with Banner.”

When he didn’t respond for long moments, I figured he’d scoff at what I said, tell me he couldn’t let this go, that his overprotectiveness was just so paramount he’d never give me the space I craved and yearned for.

But he surprised me by taking a step back, and I sensed the tension and aggression leaving him, although maybe “leaving” wasn’t the right word. He’d mastered being able to mask his emotions, what little he had.

He slowly looked over my shoulder at Banner and said, “I’m going to stay close for the time being, to watch out for you, little sister.” Although he still stared at Banner, he focused on me as he spoke. “I’m going to make sure that you don’t change your mind.”

I didn’t bother telling him that I wouldn’t change my mind, that being mated was something that felt wholly perfect and right. Because Adryan would never understand. He didn’t have the capacity to follow the logic of wanting to see if you could fall in love. The way his mind worked was logical, rational.

It was never emotional.

But I hoped one day that would change, when he found a mate, when he realized that what he’d share with another soul was an intimate, unique bond that could only grow into the most beautiful union imaginable. I hoped that for him. I prayed to whatever gods would listen that he could experience what I currently was with Banner.

“Thank you,” I whispered and gave him another smile. He let out a low exhale once more and gave me as much of a smile as he could muster, one that was more of an arrogant smirk. “I love you, big brother.”

He huffed out a chuckle and shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m really letting you do this.” It sounded like he spoke to himself, so I didn’t bother replying that I was doing this whether he “let” me or not.

I knew although he’d never fully give me the independence and space I needed, at least not for the foreseeable future, he would let me walk this path alone, or at least stay in the shadows and be there in case I needed help.

“I’ll fall,” I said. “But I’ll get up, brush myself off, and keep going. And I’ll have Banner at my side.” It was the only kind of reassurance I could muster, the only kind that he might be able to comprehend and understand. And he did. I saw that truth in his eyes and the way he inclined his head in my direction.

With one last glower toward Banner that had me shaking my head, Adryan turned and laughed, then he walked back into the woods and disappeared amongst the shadowy overgrowth.

I let out a low, long exhale and ran my hands up and down my skirts, realizing right then how nervous I was.

When I turned around and faced Banner, I was surprised to see he was off his steed and standing only a foot from me. I tipped my head back to look into his shadowy face, loving the masculine cut of his face and being turned on by the scruff that covered his cheeks and chin. His dark hair was a little too long, but I loved it anyway, and my fingers itched to touch it, to tug on it as I brought his mouth closer.

I could see Odhran and Cian leading their horses up the long path that led to the manor, the gates now open mysteriously, and Banner and I once more alone again. He held his hand out to me, and I instantly, eagerly slipped my palm against his warm, callused one.

“Let me show ye my home—yer home—in the Highlands, lass.”

He immediately pulled me into the hardness of his body, and my head barely reached his chest as I pressed my cheek against it. I heard the steady beat of his heart and could feel his warmth surrounding me. And I knew everything was going to be okay.



Banner had given me a tour of the estate, and my mind was still reeling. The manor was massive, with more rooms than I could count, with tartans and tapestries covering the walls and a giant great room holding a fireplace I swore nearly reached the ceiling.

There was a kitchen that was big enough to feed an army. And the pride I’d heard in Banner’s voice as he explained everything to me, told me the history, shared with me all the memories he’d had in it… and all the memories he wanted to create in it with me had set my heart alight.

And now he was leading me out to the back, dawn swiftly approaching but the silvery glow of moonlight still kissing the sky as we stepped outside. I inhaled the sweet scent of wildlife, of fresh air and clean freedom.

I could smell the aroma of Lycans nearby, knew they were the sentries Banner had spoken of. The Guard stayed far enough back to give him privacy. And although he insisted he didn’t need protection, that he was a virile, strong and powerful male—which had me smirking because his chest had literally puffed up with pride at that—he said they were stubborn like him and wouldn’t back down.

I supposed the king of the Scottish Lycans needed a few as hard-headed as Banner in order to help keep him in line. The king of the Lycans needed to be protected at all costs, even if he was too stubborn to want it.

I just stood there feeling the pricking of daylight coming on soon but still far enough away that I could enjoy the scenery.

“This area would make a lovely garden,” I said idly, more to myself as the words tumbled out. I thought about the small one I’d had back in Ryeka, how I’d picked the rose bushes because the flowers still stayed open even in the evening. I inhaled their sweet scent and imagined what they looked like under the bright sun, soaking in the rays, growing thick and lustrous.

I wanted that here, I realized with such a profound feeling I sucked in a little gasp.

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