Page 12 of The Lycans: Vol One

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But before I could give in to this chaotic feeling of need and want that coursed through me, a familiar scent filtered through my muddled, arousal-filled mind. And just when I realized where I’d smelled that wild—crazed—scent before, Banner’s massive body was away from me so suddenly I stumbled backward until I tripped over the boulder I’d been sitting on and landed on my bottom.

The sounds, sights, and scents of primal male aggression filled my head and the small interior of the cavern. And I stared at what had to be a mirage, a hallucination.

My brother—who should be across the ocean in America—was in a brutal brawl with my newly found Lycan mate.

“Adryan?” I whispered my brother’s name, knowing he couldn’t hear because both males were growling and cursing so loudly my ears rang.

For long moments all I could do was sit there and watch as they attacked each other. They were equal in height and bulky builds, both carrying themselves like the animals—predators—they’d been born to be.

Despite Adryan only being in his twenties, he was one of the most powerful males I knew, the strongest I’d ever seen. He excelled at training and had an aggressive and ruthless streak that terrified others, and rightfully so. And if I were being honest, there was something just not right with him in the head.

Crazy to describe my brother was an understatement. But he was holding his own against Banner, the ancient Lycan who was snarling and growling.

I’d never seen an actual Lycan transform into their wolf form, but I’d heard it was a terrifying sight, all aggression and power and feral thought process.

And although I should be worried about Adryan going up against a creature so strong and so much older than him, I couldn’t deny that a part of me was turned on at seeing Banner’s brute strength.

But that faded when Banner lifted Adryan up and tossed him across the cavern, my brother’s back slamming against a rocky outcropping, pebbles falling around his body from the impact.

Adryan slowly stood up and cracked his neck, straightening his shoulders and grinning at Banner. His eyes were bleeding red and drowning out the blue from his aggression, his body seeming larger, more powerful from the adrenaline and rage moving through him.

I knew I needed to stop this, but getting in between two Otherworld males fighting was a death wish, even if one was my mate and the other my brother. They were too lost in their element right now, each determined to be the alpha and the victor of the fight.

And they were both so strong, so powerful, I didn’t know who would come out of this alive.

They crashed into each other again, fists flying, canines and fangs bared as they snarled. I saw scratches marring flesh, the scent of blood filling the air. It was too much, too violent and barbaric.

“Stop!” I screamed and scrambled off the ground, taking a step forward. But my voice and plea fell on deaf ears as they kept going at each other.

Over and over again, Adryan bellowed.

“Stay the fuck away from my sister, you Lycan bastard.”

Banner snarled. “I’m going tae kill ye for getting between me and my mate.”

It was a mess.

“Stop!” I screamed again as loud as I could, my eyes squeezed shut, my lungs burning from the force of pushing that one word out.

And then all fell silent, and the only sound penetrating the cavern was from the droplets falling from the waterfall and landing in the pool. Once I filtered out the noise, I could hear both males panting, their breaths sawing in and out of their lungs. I could smell even more blood coating the air, and I slowly opened my eyes, my stomach twisted in dread as I stared at them.

How could something start out so perfectly and end so disastrously?



For long seconds, no one spoke. I didn’t think anyone even moved.

Adryan and Banner were covered in gore, scratches along their exposed skin, bruises starting to form. Banner was still barely hanging on to his control, his wolf right there at the surface just waiting with anticipation to come forth.

And then there was my brother, looking every bit the psycho that was his namesake.

“What?” Adryan asked and held his hands out, palms up, fingers claw-tipped and covered in blood.

I looked at Banner and saw he was in much the same condition.

When my attention was back to my brother, all I could do was stare at him. “What are you doing? Are you insane?” The words were breathless, and when he opened his mouth, I shook my head and lifted a hand, stopping him. “Don’t answer that.”

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