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I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, swiping back until I find the pictures he took. “I posed for this one but when I went to look at the pictures, this one was right before it.”

He takes the phone from my hand and stares at it, a smile spreading across his lips. “I didn’t even realize I took a photo of you. I was so lost in your eyes for that brief second that I must have taken it not thinking that it wasn’t my phone. This is getting framed and put in my office.”

“And here I thought for sure you hated me after that meeting.” I look up at him.

“No, I hoped and prayed that I would somehow find you again, and then when I did at the airport, I was terrified. I knew right then that if I were to talk to you, to look at you for longer than a second, you would see right through me. You would know how infatuated with you I was and I knew that I’d never be able to walk away from you. I would rather never give you the chance to destroy me instead of risking getting everything I imagined with you.”

“So what happened then? Why’d you risk it?”

“I didn’t have a choice. There was no way I was going to be able to talk myself out of not falling in love with you so I leaped with both feet and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.”


Weston-Six months later…

“I now present to you, Mr. And Mrs. Daphne and Weston Vaughn. You may kiss your bride.”

I place my hand behind Daphne’s neck, the other on her swollen belly as I lean in to plant my lips on hers.

“Ewww!” Daisy gags as my mom and Xana laugh.

“I can’t believe we were just here getting engaged only six months ago.” Daphne smiles against my lips, kissing me again as her arms wrap around my neck.

“And getting pregnant,” I murmur, my cock jumping just remembering that night. I had tied her to the bed of our hotel and teased her mercilessly for an hour, edging her over and over until she was thrashing on the bed, begging for me to take her.

“I still can’t believe we are on top of the Eiffel Tower right now for your wedding,” Xana says, looking over the edge. “This is going to make our beach wedding look like a hoedown,” she says to Ryan.

Neither Daphne or I realized you could get married at the top of the Eiffel Tower… well technically, you can’t, only at the restaurant on the lower level, but I pulled a few strings and made it happen.

“Is it time for cake yet?” Daisy says, dropping her basket of flowers.

“It’s time for cake.” Daphne smiles, taking her hand as we all head down to the restaurant for lunch and cake.

We both decided after finding out that Daphne would be six months pregnant at our wedding that we wanted something very small and intimate and early enough in the day that she and I would have the evening to ourselves.

After tonight, we fly down to Port de Cannes where my yacht is docked, waiting for us. We plan to spend a week enjoying the sun down in the south of France for our honeymoon.

“How’s sissy doing?” Daisy places her hand on Daphne’s belly as she sits between the two of us.

“She’s moving. Do you feel her?” Daphne places Daisy’s little hand over where the baby is kicking.

“I feel her!” Daisy squeals, looking up at both of us. She hasn’t stopped talking about her baby sister since we found out we were having a girl.

We spend the rest of the afternoon with our family, dancing and eating until the sun starts to set. Daisy yawns, stretching her arms overhead as I look over at my wife.

“We need to get going to catch our flight.” We say our goodbyes to our family and friends, heading over to the airport and making the quick flight down to Cannes. By the time we board the yacht, the sun has set and the moon hangs low in the sky, illuminating the water surrounding us.

“Are you tired, baby?” I slowly unzip Daphne’s dress, letting it pool at her feet as it slips down her body.

“A little.” She sighs, lulling her head to the side. This is her way of letting me know she wants me to finish undressing her. I remove her bra and panties, sliding her silk robe over her body.

“I have the bath running with some oil for you,” I say, planting a kiss on her bare shoulder before closing her robe.

“Will you join me?”

We slip beneath the warm water, Daphne resting her back against my chest as I run my fingertips over her belly.

“How are you feeling, Mrs. Vaughn?”

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