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“I’m not interested in the recording, Steve. You know why? Because we both know it’s nothing illegal. You got a recording of me and Daphne talking about money for her babysitting my daughter and telling me she won't take the money from the Bahamas. I don’t give a fuck if the entire world hears the recording. It’s not evidence; it’s nothing.”

“Then why do you care? Why are you here?” Ken finally speaks.

“Why am I here, Ken? Because you and your little pencil-dick buddy here got the woman I love fired for nothing. You traumatized her; your piece of shit brother threatened me, and you all thought you could blackmail me into not doing something about it? Do you have any fucking clue the kind of power and connections I have?”

“They didn’t seem to help you when your wife didn’t want you, when she chose me.” I smile at him. I knew he’d try to get under my skin.

“You’re right. Because she was dying, I wasn’t about to make things worse for her. My priority was keeping her comfortable, making sure our daughter was cared for, trying to find a cure or anything that could keep her alive; meanwhile, you drank yourself into obscurity. You got fired, lost everything because all you cared about was yourself and how Mirabelle made you feel. You didn’t care that she was dying; you cared that she left you. I did my research. I found the texts on her old phone where even after she finally came clean and told you the reason she left was because she was sick, you berated her and made her feel terrible for breaking your heart. You’re not a man, Ken; you’re a disgrace, a void, a waste of human space and now you, your brother, and Steve will pay.”

I stand up, walking out of the apartment as the men grab Steve and Ken, handcuffing them and pushing them out into the hallway toward the elevator.

I pull my car behind the school, the men following behind me with Steve and Ken in their vehicle. I motion for them to wait while I walk inside and head toward Rick’s office.

“Hey, Rick.” I smile, poking my head into his office.

“Hey—Wes,” he says awkwardly as he looks up from his computer. “What can I do for you?”

“Any chance you can come out here for a moment? Just wanted to talk to you really quick.”

“Out in the hallway?” he asks, confused, as he stands up and follows me out of his office.

“Oh, sorry. No, out back. I have your brother and I’m pretty sure you’re going to want to hear what I have to say.”

He stops dead in his tracks, his face going red, then white as a sheet. “My brot—you, what do you mean, you have my brother?”

I motion for him to follow me as I make my way toward the exit. “Just back here,” I say as I walk us around the school to the alley where the SUV is parked. As we approach, one of the men exits, opening the back door so he can see his brother with Steve, both handcuffed.

“Oh my God. Ken! What the hell is this?” He turns around to yell at me, but I grab his neck and shove him into the back of the vehicle. I climb in behind him, sitting down on the seat next to him with the other two sitting across from me.

“I’m going to make this as short and sweet as possible, okay? Rick, I think it goes without saying, but I will anyway so there’s no misunderstanding. You’re going to reinstate Miss Flowers as the first-grade teacher here at Crestwood, and then you’re going to issue a public apology to her and all of the parents here, stating that it was a wrongful termination. Then you’re going to resign.” He opens his mouth, but I lift a finger and cut him off. “Ah, I’m giving you the privilege of resigning; otherwise, I could simply tell every parent what you did and who your brother is. Then all three of you are going to disappear from this city. I don’t care how but you have five days. I think that’s plenty of time.”

“Five days? I’m not leaving Chicago,” Rick says defiantly.

“See, I thought you might say that. As for you two”—I point to Steve and Ken—“don’t bother going back to your apartment. In case you didn’t know, I own that building and management is currently in the process of changing the locks and throwing all your shit into the dumpsters. So I guess if you want it, you could go get it out of the trash. Now, Rick, back to your comment about not leaving Chicago. I’m only going to say this once. You will leave and if you don’t, if for some reason you think you can stay here and I won’t find out, you will end up in the back of this vehicle again, only you won’t walk out… In fact, I think it’s safe to say you’ll never walk again. Do I make myself clear?”

“You can’t do this. You can’t intimidate us into leaving here; you don’t own this city.” Rick’s face grows red, sweat beading on his forehead and upper lip.

I motion with my finger to one of the men across from me. He reaches into his holster, handing me his firearm.

“Oh, what are you gonna do, kill me?” Rick’s tone is cocky. I turn the gun around, holding the barrel while I smack him right in the mouth with the butt, blood instantly gushing from his lip as he yells in pain.

“Now, Rick, I don’t think you’re taking this very seriously. I also don’t recall asking for your opinion. I did ask if I made myself clear with the instructions I gave. So, you have forty-eight hours to get that apology emailed out and Miss Flowers reinstated and your resignation handed in… then you have three days after that to disappear. This is your last chance”—I turn to look at him—“do I make myself clear?” He nods profusely, moaning as blood drips through the crevices of his fingers. “Great.” I smile, handing the gun back and nodding toward the men before exiting the vehicle. I climb into my car, driving back over to Daphne’s apartment.

“What happened? Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s okay, baby.” I pull her into my arms, burying my face in her neck as I rub her back. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect this woman. I know that it’s not often you get a second chance to do things right with the woman you love. I also realize it’s even more rare that you get a second chance at love. “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”

Chapter 23


“What’s going on, Daph?”

Xana looks at me as she tosses her bag into the booth and takes a seat. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever after you just ran off to Florida. I’m still mad at you by the way for making me have to reach out to your dad to find out that information.”

“I know I owe you a serious explanation.” My shoulders drop, feeling like I can finally tell her everything that’s been going on. “But you might want to buckle up because it’s pretty wild.”

I explain to her about how after Weston and I had been intimate, I found out about Natalie because she showed up to talk to me, then I tell her the entire play-by-play of how I was fired and Weston found out and took matters into his own hands.

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