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He hangs up the phone and looks up at me. I swallow hard, expecting him to laugh and show me the door but he points toward the elevators. “His office is on the ninetieth floor.”

“Thank you,” I spin around, my heels clicking on the floor as I walk to the elevator.

The doors open on the ninetieth and I poke my head out, looking around. I don’t know what I was expecting his office to look like, but it wasn’t this. For some reason I thought it would be loud, people bustling around with sounds of phones and constant chatter. It’s completely serene, soft music playing from speakers overhead with ambient lighting and a large water feature adding some relaxing nature sounds. The walls of the wide hallway are adorned with art, large plants in every corner.

“Mr. Vaughn’s office is straight ahead,” a woman says to me, causing me to jump. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s okay.” I rest my hand on my chest as I look over to the right where her desk sits in a semi-private office. She must be the admin I spoke to on the phone. Her dark-auburn hair is swept off her face, soft-pink blush accentuating her high cheekbones. I smile and walk straight ahead until I reach a large wooden door that’s ajar. I knock softly, unsure if I should barge in.

“If you’re going to show up to my office unannounced and demand my attention, at least come in with some authority.” Mr. Vaughn opens the door, swiftly ushering me into his office.

“Afternoon to you too.” I step into his office and he closes the door behind me.

“What can I do for you, Miss Flowers?” He makes no attempt to hide his exasperation.

“Well, I thought it was obvious, but I’m here regarding the Crestwood Bake Sale and Silent Auction.”

“And what does that have to do with me?” he says dismissively as he walks back to his desk and sorts through a stack of papers.

“Seriously?” I ask, instantly irked. “I mentioned it at the beginning of the year. You are the only parent who hasn’t signed up for any volunteer duties or activities this year.”

“Why didn’t you reach out to my admin? This is something she can take care of for me. And for fuck’s sake, don’t make me remind you again that meetings like this could have been an email.”

Back to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I see.

“I did!” I say a little more sternly than intended but it gets his attention. He drops the paper he’s holding and looks up at me. “I sent two texts to you about it over a week ago that went unanswered, and then I left a message with your admin about it two days ago and still nothing. Not to mention the weekly recap email every parent receives with an entire section titled How Can I Get Involved?”

“Is this how you got the others to volunteer? By chasing them down and harassing them at work?” He leans back in his chair, his hands folded in his lap like he’s sizing me up. He crooks a brow at me. “Well, are you waiting for my permission to tell me your demands? You’ve got my attention for two minutes, Miss Flowers.”

“No, here’s my proposed plan. You work the main booth for a minimum of two hours at the bake sale and you list a weekend at one of your vacation homes or your private yacht, your choice, for the silent auction.” I straighten my shoulders, attempting to sound authoritative.

A grin slowly spreads across his face. “Is that right?” He stands up, walking around his desk and sitting on the front of it. He wraps his long fingers around the edge of the desk, causing his exposed forearms to flex. I have to stop myself from staring too long, imagining what those arms would feel like pinning me to the bed as he slides inside me.

“Yes.” I pull my eyes back up to his with a jerk. He’s looking at me like he knows exactly what image just flashed across my brain.

“Care to share?”

“What?” My face grows red as I feel the heat burning me up.

“Seems like you got lost in your thoughts for a moment.” I shake my head and he crosses his arms over his chest. “And what do I get out of it?”

“Excuse me?”

“Reciprocity. You do for me; I do for you.”

“You get to be a good parent and show some support for your daughter’s school.” His smile fades and I can see anger slowly taking over. I fully expect him to launch into another lecture about not telling him how to parent. “What?” I cock my head a little to the side, narrowing my gaze at him. “Don’t like when I’m being pissy?”

He looks confused and I can’t tell if he actually is or he’s playing stupid. Either way, I’m standing my ground and I’m walking out of this office with my demands met before he can intimidate me into apologizing.

“Have your admin email me over which house or yacht and what weekend works for you. I’ll send her over the schedule for the bake sale.” I turn around and start walking toward the door just as he pushes himself off the desk. “Oh and Mr. Vaughn,” I say as I reach for the door and open it, turning back to look at him. “I already did for you when you showed up unannounced at my apartment. Now you do for me since you owe me one.” I flash him my sweetest smile and a little wave. “See you at the bake sale.”

My legs are trembling when I close the door behind me. I let out a shaky breath before I book it to the elevator.

Chapter 6


“Where am I supposed to be?” I don’t even attempt to hide my annoyance that I’m in a packed room full of strangers. I’ve done very well at avoiding situations like this for the last several years. Mirabelle always insisted that as a billionaire and philanthropist, my face needed to be seen, but I prefer the exact opposite. I’d rather write a check and keep to myself and my business. I’m not exactly the kiss ass and rub elbows kind of guy.

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