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She giggles, then clamps her hand over her mouth. “Okay.” She lets out a shaky breath and straightens out her dress, running her hands through her hair before grabbing her bag. “I can do this.”

“I’m going to sit behind my desk”—I point down to my raging erection—“you walk out and let Nelson know I can see him.”

I want to reach out and kiss her again, but I know that is not the right move now. She walks to the door, her hand on the knob.


“Hmm?” She turns back around to look at me.

“I’ll see you tonight.” I don’t give her specifics, but she smiles, then opens the door as I take a seat behind my desk.

“What can I do for you, Nelson?” I type on my laptop, hoping to appear busy and annoyed.

“I—” He glances over his shoulder, then shuts the door. “I’m sorry to interrupt unexpectedly but—” He wrings his hands and it actually does annoy me.

When did this man become so weaselly?

“What, Nelson?”

“Well, you two were in here for some time and I asked Abigail how much longer your meeting would be, and she said that it wasn’t even on your calendar.”

“And what business is it of yours?” Before he can even answer, I cut him off. “You know, Nelson, I’m getting a little tired of your snooping and overstepping. You’ve done a damn good job of letting me know that you don’t approve of Miss James as my publicist, and you’ve also made it abundantly clear that you don’t trust me with her. You seem to be confident that I’m going to screw the pooch on this Meridian deal even though the last meeting we had—hell, the last few meetings we’ve had with them—have proven otherwise. Ken even mentioned that the deal should be wrapped up by next end of quarter. So, all that to say, what the fuck is going on with you and what are you really worried about here?”

Nelson squares his shoulders. His full cheeks are puffed out along with his chest. “Cyrus, is there something going on between you and that young girl or not?” He looks at me over the rim of his glasses, his signature move when he’s trying to be serious or maybe it’s intimidating.

“Tell you what, Nelson.” I toss the pen I was fiddling with in my hand and stand up. “Why don’t you focus on this deal and not on Miss James. She doesn’t concern you.”

“So you won’t just come out and say it then, huh?” He shakes his head at me, lifting his finger to point it toward me. “Is she even a publicist, Cyrus, or just another one of your whor?—”

“Enough!” I shout as I slam my fists down onto the top of my desk, pain radiating up both of my arms, but I’m too angry to notice. Rage burns in my chest at the way he was about to refer to her.

His face goes from red with anger to white with shock in a flash.

“I’m only going to say this one more motherfucking time to you,” I say through gritted teeth. “Turn around and walk out of my office before you regret it. Don’t ever fucking mention Miss James’ name again and for God’s sake, trust me to handle this deal, this company, and my own goddamn personal affairs.”

He doesn’t make another peep; he just spins on his heel and waddles out of my office just as Abigail peeks her head around the door.

“Everything okay, sir?”

“Fine, Abigail.” I give her a tight-lipped smile before sitting back down in my chair. “Just Nelson,” I groan as I drag my hands over my face in frustration as she reaches inside and closes the door for me.

That feeling is back in my stomach, the one that’s telling me there’s something going on right under my nose, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. I reach my hand into my pocket, pulling out Presley’s thong and bringing it to my nose. I inhale, knowing I full well look like a creep. My jaw clenches, my mouth watering.

For the rest of the day, all I can think about is seeing her. The second I finish with my meetings, I head downstairs, instructing Wes to head to her apartment. I don’t even call or text her to make sure she’s home.

The car is barely stopped before I’m opening the door and stepping out onto the sidewalk. “I’ll text you later,” I say to Wes.

I’m about to hit her buzzer when an older lady steps out of the building and holds the door for me to enter. I take the stairs two at a time. I knock on her door rapidly, holding my breath till I hear the click of the lock being undone and the turn of the handle.

Chapter 18


“Hi.” I can’t keep the ridiculous smile off my face when I open the door and see him standing there.

“Hi.” He smiles back.

“You want to co—” I don’t even get to finish the statement before he’s stepping over the threshold, his arm snaking around my back as he pulls me toward him. His lips are on mine in seconds, his tongue already demanding entrance to my mouth.

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