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“Terry,” I say into the phone as I watch Forrest walk back over to Presley. I try to focus on what Terry is saying to me, but I’m distracted at the way they’re interacting. Forrest touches her arm gently and whatever the hell he says makes her smile, then laugh, a genuine laugh.

“Don’t worry,” I say to him as he fills me in on Nelson freaking out again. “I’ll talk him off a ledge.”

I hang up the phone and stand back, watching them from afar. She playfully smacks his arm as he does some sort of impression. Her eyes catch mine and she does a double take, her smile slowly fading, morphing from laughter into something else. Her parted lips turn up at one corner, and her eyes grow heavy. If I had to guess, it’s the look of desire.

I mouth the words come here to her and she turns back to Forrest, excusing herself before approaching me.

I lean in a little closer to her, making sure my voice is low enough nobody else can hear us. “Good girl, you’re learning.”

“What can I do for you, sir?” she asks sweetly.

“Mmm, loaded question. Let’s go to lunch.”

She looks over her shoulder at Forrest, then back to me. “Should we invite him?”

“Why, are you fucking him?”

“No.” Annoyance flashes across her face.

“He did ask you out on a date though; have you gone?”


“Are you interested in going?”

She shrugs. “I should be, shouldn’t I?” She turns to stand next to me so we’re both facing him where he’s talking animatedly to someone else. “He’s attractive, accomplished, comes from a good family, ticks all those boxes.”

“And isn’t old enough to be your father,” I interject. She looks over at me.

“And there’s that. Although, he’d probably still let me call him daddy.” She can’t hold in her giggle.

I turn my head slowly to look down at her, her laugh disappearing the second she sees the look in my eyes. I glance behind us to make sure there’s no one before letting my hand slowly slide down her back to rest against her ass. There are only a few other people in the large classroom where the interview took place and they’re completely engrossed in conversation. I take the opportunity to rear my hand back and bring it down hard against her backside, startling her.

“Ow!” she yelps, her mouth falling open as she looks up at me.

“If you think that hurt, just wait till later. Now go get in the fucking car.”

* * *

“How did you feel the interview went?”

“Good. I enjoyed the conversation. Forrest is a good interviewer. How did you think it went?” I take a sip of my whiskey, not something I typically do at lunch, but my nerves around her are completely fried. I’m having to talk myself out of taking her back to my house and fucking her senseless every passing second.

As much as I pretend to be in control with her, the reality is, I have no idea what I’m doing. I do know that this is beyond stupid, but I also know I don’t want to stop. I want to lose myself in her body, but I haven’t decided if I’m going to go all the way with her. I want to; it’s all I think about; it consumes me, but that’s why I’ve told myself I can’t. I know that once I feel her tight pussy wrapped around my cock, I’ll be done for.

“I think it went great. I’m really excited to see it in print.” She takes a bite of her panini.

“You were right on the money with the idea. I know Lisa was very impressed with the idea; she has been impressed with all your ideas.”

She swallows, her eyes big and round. “Seriously?”

“Yes. How are you liking the job?”

“I love it!” Her eyes light up and it makes me feel happy. “I can’t thank you enough for suggesting me to Lisa. She’s such a powerhouse and genius to learn from. I completely recognize that this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

And this is when the guilt kicks in… because I know that if Lisa knew what I’d done to Presley, the things I planned on doing to her, she’d fire her and deliver on her promise to me to make me regret the day I was born.

But something in me tells me that it’s worth it, that it’s more than just desire. I like hearing how happy she is in her job, how fulfilled she feels. I want to know more and that scares me more than possibly ruining her career. I feel torn.

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