Page 7 of Flame of Desire

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“Thank you, Gerard,” Lucian said, leaning back into the cushioned seat as anticipation replaced anxiety.

The city unfurled beneath Lucian like a canvas woven with streaks of light, the hum of its pulse reverberating through the car’s tinted windows. Buildings soared toward the heavens, their glass facades reflecting the lights from the streets below. Neon signs blinked in a syncopated rhythm, each a beacon in the metropolitan night. Cars snaked through the city’s arteries, their headlights streaking past in blurs of yellow and white.

Lucian watched as opulent boutiques and gleaming storefronts gave way to the more familiar grandeur of the financial district where their building reigned supreme. As they approached, the Davenport Luxe Towers loomed into view, a monolith of luxury piercing the heavens. The car descended into the underground private garage, a cavernous space where echoes of affluence reverberated off polished concrete. The parking bays held vehicles that were feats of engineering and design, but none so much as whispered the prestige of the penthouse above.

Exiting the vehicle, Lucian’s boots clicked against the immaculate floor. He strode toward the elevator, its doors parting with a silent obedience that matched his mood. Inside, he was enveloped by opulence, the mirrored walls reflecting his determined visage back at him while soft classical music played from hidden speakers.

As he ascended, he envisioned the penthouse foyer, its vastness an ode to excess with marble floors polished to a mirror sheen and towering vases overflowing with exotic blooms. The air would be scented with jasmine and sandalwood, a deliberate choice to welcome and soothe.

The elevator dinged softly upon arrival, its doors gliding open to reveal reality matching his mental image. Harris stood within this realm of splendor, an anchor in his crisp butler’s attire.

“Master Lucian, welcome home,” Harris greeted with an incline of his head. “Master Xavier is currently with Mistress Asa.”

Lucian acknowledged with a nod, feeling a familiar pull deep within his chest. He made his way through the foyer’s elegance and up the sweeping staircase beyond. Each step heightened his awareness. He could sense her—Asa’s sweet pheromones wafting through the air.

His body responded instinctively, alpha pheromones surging as if to claim territory yet unseen. Lucian felt it—the primal urge that whispered of possession and protection before even laying eyes on her. It was potent and unwavering, a force that tethered him irrevocably to Asa’s essence. His pace quickened with every breath drawn, each one laced with her intoxicating scent that beckoned him ever forward.

Lucian’s heart raced as he approached Asa’s room, the scent of her pheromones growing stronger with each step. His hand gripped the doorknob, twisting it open to reveal a sight that stole his breath away.

There, on the bed, Asa lay beneath Xavier, her legs wrapped around his waist as he pounded into her with wild abandon. The air was thick with the heady mix of their pheromones, Asa’s sweet scent intertwining with Xavier’s potent musk. Lucian felt his own body respond, desire coursing through his veins like molten fire.

But it was Asa who captured his attention fully. She was a vision of ethereal beauty, her pale hair fanned out across the pillow like a halo of moonlight. Her skin, usually so translucent, was now flushed with passion, a delicate pink that seemed to glow from within. And her voice—oh, her voice. It filled the room with breathy moans and soft gasps, a sensual melody that made Lucian’s heart ache with longing.

He stepped into the room, closing the door softly behind him. As he shrugged off his coat and suit jacket, he moved toward the bed, his eyes never leaving Asa’s face. She looked so beautiful, so vulnerable, and so utterly desirable.

Xavier’s gaze flicked to him, a silent acknowledgment passing between the two alphas. But even as Lucian sat down on the edge of the bed, Xavier never slowed his pace, his hips snapping forward with relentless force.

As Lucian reached out to brush away the stray strands of hair that clung to her damp forehead, he marveled at the silken texture of it. It was like spun silver, fine and delicate, just like the woman it belonged to. He couldn’t help but trace the curve of her cheek, the line of her jaw, the arch of her brow. Each touch was a reminder of how much he had missed her, how much he had longed for this moment.

He was mesmerized by the sight of her, lost in the throes of passion. Her ethereal beauty was amplified, her delicate features painted with a flush of ecstasy. Asa’s eyes were closed, her long lashes casting shadows on her cheekbones as she surrendered to the pleasure coursing through her body.

Unable to resist, Lucian leaned down, his lips finding hers in a tender kiss. It was a whisper of a touch, a promise of more to come. She tasted like honey and sin, her mouth pliant beneath his own. He drank her in, savoring the way she trembled at his touch.

Asa’s eyes fluttered open, her gaze locking with his. Her breath hitched, a gasp of surprise and longing escaping her as she recognized him. Her hand reached up, her fingers weaving into the strands of his hair, pulling him closer. It was an invitation that Lucian welcomed, and he leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss that was as tender as it was passionate, their tongues intertwining.

The taste of her was intoxicating, a sweet ambrosia that he had craved for what felt like an eternity. He had missed this, missed her, with an intensity that bordered on physical pain. Each day without Asa had been an eon, a void that could only be filled by her presence.

As he kissed her, pouring every ounce of his longing into the embrace, Lucian silently vowed to never let her leave again. She was his, theirs, and he would move heaven and earth to keep her safe, to keep her by their side.

Asa’s fingers tightened in his hair, her body arching up to meet his as Xavier continued his incessant thrusting. The room was filled with the sounds of their passion, the air heavy with the scent of their combined pheromones. It was a heady mix, one that drove Lucian’s alpha instincts wild. He wanted to claim her, to mark her as his own, to erase any doubt that she belonged with them.

Lucian broke away from her mouth and watched, spellbound, as Asa’s body tensed and quivered, her delicate fingers clawing at the sheets, her back arching off the bed in a beautiful bow under Xavier’s intense, vigorous pounding. Her lips parted in a silent cry, her eyes squeezed shut as the wave of her orgasm crashed over her. It was a sight that stole his breath away, a moment of pure, unadulterated ecstasy that he would forever etch into his memory.

As Asa’s body went limp, Xavier, still buried deep within her, gathered her in his arms, lifting her effortlessly. He continued to thrust into her, his pace never slowing, his grip on her hips bruising. The sight of them together, their bodies intertwined in a dance of passion and need was almost too much for Lucian to bear. He wanted to take his turn, to claim her as his own, but the fatigue of travel still clung to him.

With a reluctant sigh, Lucian left the room, making his way to his own en suite. He needed a moment to compose himself, to wash away the grime of travel and the ache of longing.

He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water cascade over his body, washing away the remnants of his journey. His mind was filled with images of Asa, her sweet scent lingering in his nostrils, her soft moans echoing in his ears.

Once finished, he wrapped himself in a silk robe, the fabric soft and luxurious against his skin. When he returned to Asa’s room, his breath hitched at the sight that greeted him. Asa was seated on Xavier, her back pressed against his chest, her body moving in time with his thrusts while her eyes were closed and her head thrown back in ecstasy.

As Lucian watched them, his desire for Asa growing with each passing moment, he reached for his phone. He dialed Dominic’s number, the anticipation of sharing their news with his brother making his heart race.

The call connected, and Lucian spoke, his voice low and controlled. “Dom, we have Asa back home.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and then Dominic’s voice came through, laced with relief and possessiveness.

“Let me see her.”

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