Page 47 of Flame of Desire

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Lucian was vaguely aware of the crew members bustling past them, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. Had he not pulled Asa to him in that instant, she might have collided with one of them, her delicate frame no match for the haste of their movements.

But in that moment, all he could focus on was the feel of her, the soft curves pressed against him, and the way her sweet omega scent seemed to caress his senses. A low, rumbling purr vibrated in his chest, his inner alpha reveling in her proximity, in the intoxicating promise of her presence.

* * *

Lucian emerged from the dim corridor, his footsteps carrying him back into the opulent ballroom where the party was in full swing. The air was thick with the mingling scents of expensive perfumes and the heady aroma of champagne, punctuated by the lively chatter of the well-heeled guests.

Masquerade masks adorned every face, their intricate designs concealing identities and lending an air of mystery to the proceedings. Evening gowns in rich hues swept across the polished floors, their glittering embellishments catching the soft glow of the chandeliers overhead.

A live band played a lively tune, their melodies intertwining with the steady thrum of laughter and conversation that permeated the space. Lucian allowed himself a moment to take it all in, the sensory overload a stark contrast to the quiet intimacy he had shared with Asa just moments before.

His lips curved into a faint smile as he recalled their encounter, the way her delicate frame had felt pressed against his, her scent enveloping him like a siren's call. The memory of her wide-eyed innocence, the breathless question of whether he was X, stirred a fierce sense of possession within him.

Lucian had to resist the urge to chuckle at the recollection of his teasing advice—to envision the audience as mere cardboard cutouts when feeling nervous before a speech. Of course, he had playfully added the caveat of imagining them naked, a harmless quip that had elicited a delightful flush of color to her porcelain cheeks.

Shaking his head in amusement, Lucian made his way toward the theater. The anticipation that thrummed through his veins was electric, a heady mixture of desire and intrigue that only served to heighten his senses.

As he entered the dimly lit space, his gaze immediately sought out his brothers. Dominic, ever the commanding presence, had secured a prime seat in the center of the front row, no doubt ensuring an unobstructed view of the stage—and of Asa. Xavier, too, had positioned himself near the front, though slightly off to the side, his keen intellect likely seeking the best vantage point for observing the technical aspects of the performance.

Lucian, however, chose a spot on the opposite side from Xavier, his view slightly askew but no less captivating. He leaned himself against the column, his eyes trained on the stage as the theater fell into a hush, the air thick with expectation.

And then she emerged.

Asa stepped into view like a celestial vision, wearing a dress that blurred lines between innocence and allure—a white-silver creation that cascaded over her form, part bridal elegance, part whispered temptation. The soft fabric shimmered under the stage lights as if woven from moonbeams and stardust. It hugged her slender frame in all the right places, accentuating each graceful curve.

Lucian's breath hitched at the sight of her. She was radiant, her porcelain skin aglow, her pale tresses cascading like liquid moonlight over her shoulders. She was ethereal yet palpable—a living dream that stirred both tenderness and desire within him. In that moment, she was the embodiment of every desire Lucian had ever harbored, a temptation so exquisite that it threatened to unravel his carefully cultivated control.

Lucian felt a thrill course through him as Asa's gaze flitted briefly in his direction. In that fleeting moment, their eyes met, and he knew she had recognized him amid the crowd. The realization stroked his alpha ego in a way that sent a potent surge of satisfaction coursing through his veins. He was no stranger to commanding attention, but there was something undeniably intoxicating about having captured the notice of this ethereal creature.

However, his moment of smug gratification was short-lived as Asa's gaze shifted elsewhere. Lucian followed the path of her roving stare, watching as it settled on the opposite side of the theater where Xavier stood. A knowing smirk tugged at the corner of his lips—of course, she would seek out her mysterious X.

Yet, her visual exploration did not end there. Almost as if compelled by an invisible force, Asa's eyes were then drawn to Dominic seated front and center with an intensity that could unnerve even the most seasoned performer. In that instant, Lucian witnessed a subtle yet unmistakable change in her demeanor—a momentary stiffening of her slender form, a fleeting tension that rippled through her delicate frame as if an invisible chill had brushed against her skin. Dominic's intensity was palpable, a force that commanded attention and respect—sometimes fear—from anyone who encountered it. Women were no exception, and their reactions varied little regardless of their status as alpha, beta, or omega.

Lucian was not surprised by her reaction. Dominic was an immovable force, a bastion of strength and authority that could be as intimidating as it was alluring. It was a quality that served him well in the boardroom, but one that could be daunting in more intimate settings.

The first notes of music broke through Lucian's thoughts, drawing his attention back to Asa as she began to move. The melody enveloped her like a lover's embrace, guiding her steps across the stage with a fluidity that seemed almost otherworldly.

Lucian marveled at the transformation. As she danced, the stiffness melted away from her body like ice beneath the sun's gentle kiss. Her movements were a visual symphony—each step and turn an articulation of beauty and passion that left him spellbound.

She was lost in the dance now, every motion an echo of the music that swirled around them. In these moments, she shed every trace of trepidation and uncertainty; she was not someone's omega or a trophy to be displayed but a creature of pure expression—a siren calling out to something primal within him.

Lucian watched, captivated by the spectacle before him. Each twirl and arch spoke a silent language he yearned to understand more deeply—the language of Asa herself.


The dimmed lights faded into insignificance as Dominic's intense gaze remained transfixed on Asa bathed in a pool of soft white light, every fiber of his being drawn to her as if by an irresistible force. She was a vision of otherworldly allure, her pale hair cascading like a delicate waterfall down her back, her skin so translucent it seemed to absorb the glow of the spotlight. She moved with the graceful fluidity of a whisper on the wind, her body an instrument through which her song took physical form.

As the first chords of the song caressed the air, Asa's voice rose like a gentle tide, clear and resonant, filling the theater with an ethereal magic that demanded rapt attention. Dominic leaned forward slightly, captivated not only by the purity of her voice but by the sensual movements that accompanied each lyric.

In the shadow of stars, we find our light

Under veils of the night, I take my flight

Dominic felt his breath catch in his throat as Asa's delicate hand extended outward, her fingers unfurling like the petals of a moonflower in bloom. Every sway of her hips was a hypnotic lure, each step a seamless melody given corporeal form. As she sang, her movements spoke of both innocence and knowing. She was an enchantress commanding her realm; each step she took was measured yet fluid, as if she were not merely dancing but giving form to the music itself. The folds of her diaphanous dress fluttered around her slender frame, enhancing her presence into something ethereal and untouchable. Dominic found himself enraptured, every inch of his being yearning to possess this exquisite creature who danced before him.

Soft whispers in dusk, come take my hand

In the silence of dreams, we'll understand

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