Page 43 of Flame of Desire

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Emerging from behind the curtain, I was greeted by a collective gasp of admiration. Zara's eyes shone with pride, while Eli regarded me with a warm, familiar smile that spoke volumes of our shared bond.

Pat's hand flew to her chest, her expression one of pure wonder. "Oh, Asa," she breathed, "you look absolutely radiant."

As I moved to stand beside Eli, our reflections in the mirror caught Pat's attention. Her brow furrowed ever so slightly as she studied our appearances, our pale locks and delicate features mirroring each other in an almost uncanny resemblance.

"You two look so alike," she mused, her voice laced with a hint of awe. "With your hair and eye color, and that gentle nature… You could almost pass for siblings."

Thomas nodded in agreement, his gaze shifting between Eli and me with a thoughtful expression. "She's right. The resemblance is quite remarkable."

Lena and Zara chimed in, their voices echoing Pat's sentiment as they took in our side-by-side reflections. For a fleeting moment, I felt as though I was glimpsing something deeper, a connection that resonated beyond mere physical similarities.

But the spell was broken as Zara clapped her hands together, her ever-efficient demeanor snapping us all back to the present. "All right, people, let's get this show on the road!"

The backstage assistant manager's voice cut through the excited chatter, calling out, "Asa, Eli, you're up in five. Let's move."

I felt my heart rate spike, a fluttering of wings against my rib cage. But then, Mr. Alpha Stranger's words echoed in my mind: Have fun performing. I took a deep breath, allowing the memory of his laughter to infuse me with an unexpected calm.

We gathered our things and moved out of the makeup room like a small procession toward the main hall backstage. Lena gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before she let go, and Zara winked at me as if to say, You've got this.

I nodded, drawing strength from her unwavering confidence in me. After all, this was what I lived for—the thrill of performance, the chance to lose myself in the music and movement.

As we approached the stage entrance, I took a deep, steadying breath. Eli squeezed my hand, his eyes sparkling with excitement and understanding. We were in this together.

Stepping onto the stage felt like entering another world—a realm where the lights blinded you to the audience beyond, where the music carried you away on its current. The faces out there transformed into cardboard cutouts in my mind's eye, just as Mr. Alpha Stranger had suggested. It was a trick that worked wonders, and I found myself smiling at the absurdity of it all.

A wave of relief washed over me, and I couldn't help but let out a small, incredulous laugh. It was working! The anxiety that had gripped me mere moments ago melted away, replaced by a newfound sense of freedom and confidence.

And yet, as my gaze swept across the room, three intense stares seemed to pierce through the illusion, demanding my attention. The first came from a man standing to the left, his broad shoulders and commanding presence unmistakable. Mr. Alpha Stranger was leaning against a column, his posture relaxed yet alert. His suit hugged his frame perfectly, accentuating broad shoulders. A masquerade mask obscured part of his face, but it couldn't hide his eyes which locked on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

The second gaze belonged to a figure standing to the right, his tall frame clad in an impeccable suit. His posture was casual but confident; he exuded an air of someone used to being listened to. Even with the masquerade mask obscuring his features, there was something achingly familiar about him—a resemblance that tugged at the edges of my memory. Could it be X?

And then there was the man sitting imposingly at the front row center. His powerful aura seemed to envelop the entire room; it was like gravity itself bent around him. He wore a sleek suit that spoke of authority and control with every line and seam. His mask did little to diminish the ardency of his gaze, which was searing into me with a hunger that both thrilled and unnerved me, leaving me breathless.

For a moment, I felt as though these three men were the only real beings in the room, their stares threatening to devour me whole. But then Eli's voice rang out behind me, the opening notes of our song cutting through the haze of my thoughts.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes, letting the music wash over me. The world around me faded away, leaving only the rhythm and the dance that had become as natural as breathing. As I moved and opened my mouth, letting my voice drift out, I surrendered myself to the pure joy of performing, losing myself in the melodies and the sway of my body.


Lucian stirred from sleep, the morning light spilling across the expansive bedroom. He fluttered his eyes open as the tranquil silence enveloped him, a contented smile playing on his lips as he basked in the peaceful stillness, a rare moment of serenity in his otherwise demanding life. His mind, still hovering in the realm of dreams, was a blank canvas waiting to be filled with the day's responsibilities. Yet before his feet could touch the floor, a magnetic pull drew his hand to the tablet resting on the nightstand. He simply couldn't resist the temptation to indulge in a guilty pleasure.

With a few swift gestures, he navigated to StreamBeat and tapped into Asa's channel, SilverButterfly. The screen came alive with her performance—a cascade of delicate movements paired with her hauntingly beautiful voice. Lucian's smile deepened as he watched, captivated by Asa's ethereal presence. The rare moments when she glanced toward the camera felt like a secret shared between them alone.

Her voice weaved through the airwaves, a silken thread that tethered him to her world. Each note she sang was an echo of their private moments, filling him with an indescribable warmth. He leaned back against the pillows, allowing himself this brief interlude where nothing else mattered but Asa's enchanting artistry.

The chime of his alarm cut through the tranquility. Lucian sighed, setting aside the tablet with reluctance. Duty beckoned—a call he and his brothers never failed to answer. The gym awaited, part of their unwavering morning ritual meant to maintain not just physical strength but also discipline and focus.

Lucian pushed back the covers and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his body a map of lean muscles that stretched and flexed with each movement. The soft hum of the city outside the windows did little to break his focus as he rose. In the en suite bathroom, he peeled off his sleepwear and slipped into workout gear, a sleeveless top and shorts that hugged his form. A glance in the mirror revealed his signature tousled hair, the streaks of silver only enhancing his charm.

The private gym exuded the same understated luxury as the rest of their domain. Sleek machinery lined the spacious room, interspersed with free weights and a sprawling mat area for more dynamic workouts. The floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline, a reminder of their prominence in this vast metropolis.

As Lucian entered, the rhythmic pounding of feet on a treadmill drew his gaze to Dominic. His eldest brother's impressive physique glistened with perspiration, every muscle taut and defined as he pushed himself relentlessly. Dominic's stamina was unparalleled, a byproduct of his unwavering discipline and drive to maintain peak condition.

Lucian felt a surge of admiration watching Dominic's powerful strides, the intensity etched onto his chiseled features. It was a reminder of the unyielding force that propelled their family's empire—a force Lucian channeled in his own way through diplomatic finesse.

Lucian stepped onto an adjacent treadmill and began stretching his long limbs, warming up muscles still languid from sleep. His movements were fluid and practiced as he prepared for the exertion to come. With a flick of his wrist, he started the belt moving beneath him at a steady pace.

He had just found his rhythm when Xavier walked in. The middle brother carried himself with an understated ease that belied the keen mind behind those clear gray eyes, a contrast to Dominic's raw intensity. Xavier offered Lucian a nod of acknowledgment as he passed by, heading toward his own routine amid their iron paradise.

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