Page 41 of Flame of Desire

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"I just saw the biggest tech mogul in the city!"

With each account, my nerves twisted tighter. The idea that such influential eyes might be upon me when I took the stage made my hands tremble.

Lena's hand paused on my face, and her eyes met mine in the mirror. "You're doing that thing where you stop breathing properly," she said with soft concern.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and tried to smile, but it faltered at the edges.

"Do you want to step outside for some fresh air?" Lena asked, tilting her head slightly as she studied my face.

I could only nod, feeling the walls close in around me. Grateful for her understanding, I rose from the chair.

The corridor was a river of bodies, a current of chatter and laughter that swept me along as I struggled against it, seeking the exit. Turning a corner, I collided with a solid form, stumbling backward. Strong hands steadied me, their grip firm yet gentle. My heart hammered in my chest as I regained my balance and looked up to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see—" My voice trailed off as I took in his attire, rich fabrics fitting his frame like they were spun just for him. He wore a masquerade mask like those donned by the guests, a veil of mystery that obscured his identity.

"Are you X?" The question tumbled out before I could stop it, driven by an inexplicable hunch.

He shook his head slightly. "Is X someone you know?"

I bit my lip, suddenly feeling foolish. "Yes, he's… just someone I met recently." My cheeks warmed at the admission.

Turning to leave, I felt his hand wrap around my arm, a gentle but firm pull that yanked me back against him. My body flushed hot with embarrassment at the unexpected contact. A quick glance around revealed that he had saved me from being in the path of stagehands carrying heavy props, a potential disaster narrowly avoided.

"Thanks," I murmured, keenly aware of our proximity.

"Got to be careful back here," he said, his voice resonating with an authority that sent a shiver down my spine.

As he released me, I caught the scent of his alpha pheromones mingling with the air, a potent aroma that stirred something deep within me. My body responded despite the suppressant pill I had taken earlier. His scent enveloped me in an invisible embrace, igniting a warmth that coursed through my veins.

My pulse quickened as our eyes met for a fleeting moment before I gently removed my arm from his grasp, the touch lingering like an echo on my skin.

"Excuse me," I murmured, eager to escape the stifling heat and the maze of emotions that this stranger had unwittingly stirred within me.

"The makeup room is in the opposite direction," he pointed out, a hint of amusement coloring his tone.

I paused and turned back to face him, my curiosity piqued despite my earlier resolve. "How do you know I'm a performer?" I asked, the words escaping in a whisper.

His gaze drifted over my features, taking in the meticulous artistry of Lena's work. "Your hair and makeup," he said simply. "They're too exquisite for you to be just a guest."

A warm blush spread across my cheeks at his compliment. It was strange how someone could see me so clearly when I felt so invisible among the crowd.

"I'm going outside to get some fresh air," I told him, hoping to put an end to our interaction.

He nodded in understanding. "I am too. Would it be all right if I accompany you?"

I hesitated, taken aback by his forwardness. A part of me yearned for solitude, but another was inexplicably drawn to his presence. With a nonchalant shrug, I replied, "You're free to do as you please. I don't own the territory outside."

He laughed—a rich, melodious sound that seemed to dance through the air and weave around us like a shared secret, catching me off guard and coaxing my lips into a smile. His eyes crinkled with mirth as he gestured for us to walk together toward the exit.

"After you," he said with an elegant bow that seemed both playful and sincere.

Outside, the crisp night air embraced me like a long-lost friend, the clamor of voices and music fading into a distant echo. It was a welcome respite, the coolness kissing my flushed skin, soothing my frayed nerves. Mr. Alpha Stranger leaned his shoulders against the building, watching me with an attentiveness that felt like a warm blanket. I was acutely aware of his presence, his gaze not intrusive but protective in its own way.

I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, the familiar ritual of meditation I'd practiced countless times. Inhale deeply… hold… exhale slowly. Each breath was a deliberate step away from the anxiety that had wound itself tightly around my heart.

"You always this nervous before you perform?" His voice cut through the stillness, a soft rumble that somehow grounded me further.

I nodded, opening my eyes to find his gaze locked on mine. "Sometimes," I confessed, "but tonight it's intense. There are so many important people in there. I can't afford to mess up."

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