Page 24 of Flame of Desire

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His deep voice rolled over me like velvet, igniting sparks of desire within me. I stared at his outstretched hand, rendered momentarily mute by the weight of his presence, the sheer audacity of his request. Dancing with an alpha—and not just any alpha, but Dominic Davenport himself? It was unfathomable, a breach of every rule I’d been conditioned to obey.

The air itself seemed to still, the ballroom fading away until all that existed was Dominic’s piercing gaze locked on mine. I could feel the eyes of the other women upon us, their poised masks slipping for a moment as they exchanged quick intrigued glances. Meredith, sensing an opportunity, nudged me forward with a hiss that only I could hear, her words a frantic demand masked as a suggestion.

“Say yes, Asa. Don’t embarrass us.”

With trembling fingers, I placed my hand in Dominic’s. His touch was like an electric current, sending jolts of awareness ricocheting through my body. He guided me toward the dance floor with a confidence that brooked no argument, his broad shoulders cutting an imposing figure through the crowd that parted before us.

As we reached the center of the gleaming parquet, the gentle strains of a waltz enveloped us. Dominic turned to face me, his stormy eyes holding me captive in their depths. Then, with a decisive motion, he drew me against the hard planes of his body, his arm encircling my waist with possessive ease.

The scent of him surrounded me—sandalwood and spice, layered with the rich, earthy musk that was uniquely dominant alpha. My senses swam, overwhelmed by the heady aroma that awakened a primal yearning within me. I swayed toward him, caught in the irresistible pull of his magnetism, until there was scarcely a breath between us.

The world fell away as Dominic swept me into the waltz, the music swelling around us like a cresting wave. At first, I moved with the stiff, halting steps ingrained by years of etiquette lessons, the proper way for an omega to carry herself, always demure and restrained. But as the melody soared, as Dominic’s powerful lead guided me across the floor with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, something inside me began to unfurl. The rigid control I had always maintained started to fray at the edges, loosening with each dizzying spin and dip.

Dominic moved with a primal grace, his body an extension of the music itself. I found myself breathless, struggling to keep pace as he pushed the boundaries of the dance. But instead of fear, I felt a heady thrill coursing through my veins.

Soon, I was matching his intensity step for step, heedless of the scandalized whispers that echoed around us. In his arms, I was no longer the meek omega, confined by society’s expectations. I was a creature reborn, a creature of passion and abandon, emboldened by the forbidden thrill of his touch and the way his smoldering gaze never once left mine. With every dip and swell of the music, I felt myself surrendering to the unfurling of desire that bloomed between us, uncaring of the consequences that would surely follow.

We spun across the floor, our bodies in perfect sync, and I could feel the weight of a thousand eyes upon us. The other dancers had stilled, mesmerized by the sight of an omega in the arms of such an illustrious alpha. I was keenly aware of the spectacle we had become, a living tableau that defied the rigid boundaries of our world.

Yet as we twirled amid the splendor of the ballroom, I found myself lost in the moment, in the hypnotic sway of Dominic’s lead and the thrilling press of his body against mine. His scent enveloped me, a warm, intoxicating blanket that awakened a primal hunger I never knew existed.

A brilliant smile broke across my face as the tempo quickened, my hair coming loose from its elaborate style to whip around me in a pale cascade. I gasped for air, my chest heaving with exhilaration as Dominic’s arm tightened around my waist. Then, with a powerful surge of muscle, he lifted me into the air, spinning us both in a dizzying arc that had me throwing my head back with peals of unrestrained laughter.

As I came back down, Dominic pulled me against the hardness of his body, a low, rumbling growl escaping his lips. The sound reverberated through me, awakening a molten heat that pooled low in my belly. Our gazes locked, his eyes blazing with an intensity that stole my very breath.

Once more, he lifted me high, and I let the joy pour from me in a torrent of merry laughter that rang out like a bell. In that moment, suspended above the world with Dominic’s unshakable strength supporting me, I had never felt more alive, more free.

All too soon, the music reached its crescendo and faded into silence. As Dominic lowered me back to the ground, the haze of abandon dissipated, and the reality of what I had just done—an omega so brazenly disregarding every rule of decorum—came crashing back.

My smile faltered as the weight of a thousand disapproving stares seemed to press in on me from all sides. Panic lanced through me, sharp and cold, as I realized the ramifications of my actions.

But before I could retreat back into the safety of propriety’s embrace, Dominic nudged my chin up with a gentle but commanding touch, forcing my gaze to meet his. His eyes smoldered, sparking embers of the wildfire he had awoken within me only moments before.

“Asa,” he rumbled, his voice a deep, velvet caress that had me trembling. “My sweet Asa.”

With a finality that allowed for no argument, he released me and turned on his heel, the impressive line of his back disappearing through the crowd as he strode away, his brothers falling into step beside him.

I stood there, rooted to the spot, my chest still heaving with the echoes of my laughter. My fingers drifted to my lips, as if I could still taste the lingering traces of the freedom I had allowed myself to sample.

Around me, the ballroom had descended into a buzz of scandalized murmurs and speculative glances. But in that moment, I paid them no mind. My world had been irrevocably shifted, the foundation shaken by Dominic’s touch and the dangerously exhilarating taste of true abandon he had shown me.


In the sanctum of his walk-in wardrobe, Dominic fastened the last button of his shirt, the silk fabric cool against his skin. The closet was a temple of luxury, with rows of impeccably tailored suits that hung like soldiers at attention, each one awaiting its turn to complement Dominic's authoritative presence. Polished leather shoes, arranged by color and occasion, gleamed from their shelves. A collection of watches, each more expensive than some people's cars, rested in a glass case that caught the light, casting prisms across the room.

Dominic stood before the full-length mirror, scrutinizing his reflection as he adjusted his tie. The knot sat perfectly against his collar, a symbol of the precision that governed his life. He reached for a timepiece, an exquisite platinum with intricate craftsmanship that subtly displayed his wealth and status, its weight a familiar comfort on his wrist as he secured it in place.

This would be the fifth birthday party he and his brothers, Xavier and Lucian, would attend this month, a whirlwind of social obligations that had become increasingly tiresome. Yet, as the heirs to the Davenport legacy, their presence was expected, especially now that they were in pursuit of an omega bride—a tradition upheld by their alpha family to ensure the continuation of their powerful bloodline.

Dominic emerged from his sanctuary, every inch the embodiment of power and sophistication. The penthouse living area, a cathedral of modern opulence, stretched before him with its soaring ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows that framed the city's skyline in breathtaking panorama. The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the space, accentuating the rich textures and sleek lines that defined the Davenport aesthetic.

Dominic's gaze fell upon his brothers, Xavier and Lucian, both impeccably dressed and exuding an aura of refined confidence that was the Davenport signature. Lucian lounged with effortless grace on the edge of an armchair, a glass of ruby-hued wine in hand, while Xavier occupied the adjacent sofa, his focus divided between the conversation and the tablet balanced on his knee.

Fingers gliding across the screen with practiced efficiency, Xavier said, “We should have the contracts signed within the week.”

Lucian swirled the wine, inhaling its rich bouquet before taking a sip. “Excellent. That acquisition will solidify our foothold in the European markets.” His gaze flickered up as Dominic approached. “Ah, there's our esteemed leader. Harris, a glass for my brother as well.”

The butler materialized soundlessly, offering Dominic a crystal tumbler filled with the same deep-crimson liquid. Dominic accepted it with a nod of acknowledgment, the familiar weight of authority settling over his shoulders.

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