Page 4 of Ensnared Desire

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I had instinctively raised my mask the instant I had gotten a whiff of their scents. A face mask was my greatest ally when out in public, mitigating the overpowering aroma of alphas.

As with this moment, I had felt an intense fiery sensation within me in the presence of those two men back then. I had made a conscious effort to ignore them, focusing intently on my work brewing coffee and avoiding making any eye contact with them, or even resting my gaze on their faces. I had been relieved when they departed shortly after, but their scent lingered, and I had to take an additional suppressant that night.

I had no face mask on at the moment, and the scent of the man in front of me hit me like a tidal wave.

Oh, how I longed for my face mask. Lydia hadn't warned me this place would be filled with alphas. It looked like I'd have to take another suppressant as soon as possible if I wanted to get through the night without making a scene or an idiot of myself.

“Your friends?” he asked. “Hmm…” He tilted his head to one side. “Were they invited?”

I nodded. “Yes, Lydia said we were invited to this private viewing room?” I gasped. “This is a private viewing room, right? It said Private Gallery outside.”

His eyes twinkled, and a captivating grin graced his face. “Yes, this is a private viewing room. Lydia, did you say?” he asked.

“Yes, Lydia,” I said. “Lydia Hamill.”

“And you are?” He raised one dark brow.

I licked my lip and said, “Delcy… Delcy Charlton.”

“Delcy,” he said as if he were tenderly caressing the name. “That’s a beautiful name.”

I tugged strands of hair behind my ear, feeling my cheeks flush with heat. I wasn’t sure why I was blushing simply because he told me I had a beautiful name.

“Thanks, I guess?”

Intense stare. Goodness, but I could feel this burning stare directed at me from somewhere among the crowd. Who was looking at me like they wanted to devore me whole?

“Delcy,” the man standing before me said.

I glanced up to see him extending his hand toward me. I knew this gesture well. It was an invitation, a show of trust.

Invitation. Trust.

Did I want to be invited by this man? Did I even trust him?

The answer was no to both. I was sure placing my hand in his was a bad idea and fought off the compelling pull. I even retreated a pace to put some distance between us, aware that without it, I might succumb to his sway.

This man exuded that sort of silent yet formidable authority anyone would find hard to ignore. I could sense that he possessed the ability to motivate and persuade others to fulfill his bidding, no matter the task, through simple gestures. Yes, he radiated that sort of charm... and that captivating, roguish grin any woman, particularly an omega, would find challenging to resist.

He didn’t appear deterred by my refusal of him and gave me another smile that made my heart skip. Once again, his eyes were twinkling.

Wow, those eyes were stunning, a deep shade of sapphire blue.

“It seems I have forgotten my manners.” He chuckled. “My apologies, Delcy.” He bowed slightly. “The name’s Jaxon Sterling,” he said.

Jaxon Sterling! As in the Jaxon Sterling of Sterling Enterprises? One of the two Sterlings I had delivered coffee for and left notes along with whimsical kawaii doodles?

I was both shocked and pleasantly surprised.

“Would you care to join me and my brother for a drink? Then I will aid you in finding your friend Lydia.”

Jaxon Sterling. Jaxon Sterling, I chanted repeatedly in my head. The Jaxon Sterling was standing in front of me. It was unbelievable.

I managed to get my wits about me and said, “Uh, no, that’s quite all right, Mr. Sterling.” I turned on my heel then, suddenly feeling the desperate need to leave.

I knew instinctively that if I lingered, this hunk, Jaxon Sterling, would not leave me alone. Despite how much I admired the Sterlings, I wanted no part in their world, his world, which was as far apart and as different as could be from mine. Not to mention that intense stare I felt from somewhere in the crowd was far too unsettling for me to endure any longer.

I was just about to leave when a familiar voice echoed. “Delcy!”

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