Page 30 of Ensnared Desire

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But peace was elusive as dreams wove their intricate web around me. In them, I was running through endless corridors of a grand manor that was both ancient and alive with whispered secrets. My heart pounded in time with my footsteps as two figures chased after me—one as dark as midnight storm clouds, brooding with intensity, and the other bright like dawn breaking over calm seas, warmth radiating from his smile.

They were hunters and I was their unwitting prey, yet there was no fear in this dream—only exhilaration mixed with an undercurrent of desire so potent it bordered on desperation.

I raced up a large staircase, my flowing gown billowing around me. At the top, I found myself trapped in a shadowy bedroom. Strong arms wrapped around me from behind and pulled me against a muscular chest.

Another set of hands grasped my shoulders, turning me to face the other alpha. They had caught me, and I knew I was theirs now. I trembled but didn't resist as they began undressing me, their movements possessive yet oddly gentle...

A blaring car horn from the street below jolted me awake. Disoriented, I sat up in bed as the vivid dream quickly faded. Early morning light filtered through my curtains.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake the unsettling feelings left by the dream. A glance at my clock showed it was eight in the morning. I needed to get the groceries and then visit Grandpa Sid, my usual Sunday routine.

I pushed away the lingering memory of those imaginary alphas' hands on me. It was just my overactive imagination playing tricks on me after meeting Colton and Jaxon last night.

With a deep breath, I got out of bed and headed for the shower, determined to focus on my real life, not these strange new fantasies. I had to get through my day.

* * *

The steady hum of the espresso machine, the clink of ceramic on wood, the rich aroma of freshly ground coffee beans—it was my sanctuary and my cell. Monday at Brewed Dreams passed in a blur of steamed milk and sugar packets. My hands moved with practiced ease, crafting latte art that briefly delighted before vanishing beneath eager sips.

In the lulls between customers, my thoughts drifted to Colton and Jaxon. The mere idea of them stepping through that door sent my heart racing, a mix of fear and anticipation. I was caught between the desire to see them again and the hope that they stayed away. Their presence would be like a storm, exhilarating and terrifying.

As the afternoon light faded, my break beckoned. I stole moments alone in the back room, my mind wandering through memories of electric touches and smoldering glances. How would I act around them now? I couldn't revert to avoiding their eyes. They've seen me, truly seen me. And there was something about that recognition that unraveled me.

The clock's hands inched toward closing time, and there was no sign of the Sterling twins. Disappointment gnawed at me—a foolish feeling—yet relief trailed close behind. I shouldn't want them here. It complicated everything.

“Delcy!” Blair's voice cuts through my reverie just as I’d resigned myself to an ordinary day. “We've got an order for Sterling Enterprises. Two coffees for delivery.”

My pulse spiked at the mention of their company. It was probably nothing, just a routine delivery, but the possibility of seeing them ignited a flutter in my stomach. With trembling hands, I prepared their drinks, ensuring every detail was perfect.

I made my way to Sterling Enterprises, a coffee carrier secure in my grip. The towering structure loomed above me as I stepped inside its sleek lobby, a sharp contrast to the cozy confines of Brewed Dreams.

Riding up to the executive floor felt like ascending into another world, one where I didn't belong. The receptionist barely glanced up as she directed me inward, her nonchalance amplifying my unease.

I navigated through an expanse of glass and steel until Colton's office came into view. Through the open door, I saw them both, Colton at his desk and Jaxon perched casually on its edge. Every eye in the department seemed to follow me, their scrutiny like a weight on my shoulders.

With a deep breath, I approached the middle-aged woman at her desk outside Colton's office.

“I have an order for Mr. Sterling and Mr. Sterling,” I managed to say without my voice betraying my nerves.

The woman's eyes swept over me with open curiosity before she gestured toward the door with a professional smile.

“Please, go right in.”

But it wasn't just professionalism that glinted in her gaze. There was a spark of something else. Interest? Speculation? It only served to knot my stomach tighter.

My feet carried me forward reluctantly until I stood on the threshold of Colton's office. Both men lifted their heads as I entered, their gazes locked on mine with an intensity that stole my breath away.

My pulse raced, a wild drumbeat in my ears. I was back in this place of steel and power, where every surface gleamed and every line spoke of unyielding control. And there they were, the Sterling twins, their gazes ensnaring me with a pull as potent as gravity.

Colton's eyes, dark and penetrating, surveyed me with an intensity that felt almost physical. Jaxon's gaze was lighter, but no less impactful, a spark of mischief dancing in the depths.

I remembered leaving a note here last time, a tiny piece of myself scrawled on paper and adorned with a simple drawing. Jaxon had admitted it brought smiles to their lips. The thought that I had touched them, even in such an insignificant way, sent a shiver down my spine.

I pulled my mask down, and instantly, I smelled their alpha pheromones that filled the air, invisible yet undeniably present. It wrapped around me, seeping into my pores and stirring something primal within. My head swamped from the potency of it all, Colton's commanding scent mingling with Jaxon's vibrant one.

“I have your order,” I said, my voice steadier than I felt.

The words hung between us for a moment before Colton gestured for me to come closer.

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