Page 26 of Ensnared Desire

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“Delcy,” he repeated softly, rolling the syllables around his tongue like a caress. “That’s a beautiful name.”

Her fingers brushed strands of hair behind her ear, an action laden with vulnerability and grace, and Jaxon found himself enchanted by every nuance of her behavior.

“Thanks, I guess?”

He extended his hand toward her, a silent offer laced with hope and an undercurrent of need. She hesitated for a heartbeat before stepping back, a silent denial that should have stung but instead only fueled his resolve.

“Delcy,” he continued smoothly as if unfazed by the rebuff while internally grappling with an unfamiliar urgency. “It seems I have forgotten my manners. My apologies.” He bowed slightly, the gesture both respectful and laden with intent. “The name’s Jaxon Sterling. Would you care to join me and my brother for a drink? Then I will aid you in finding your friend Lydia.”

Her refusal was polite but firm, a testament to the strength beneath her soft exterior. Yet before she could leave, before she could slip through his fingers, fate intervened.

“Delcy!” Lydia's voice sliced through the moment like a blade through silk.

Jaxon observed as Lydia swept into their midst with familiarity born from long association, her embrace one part affectionate greeting and two parts ownership.

Lydia appraised him openly, a look Jaxon returned without falter even as distaste curled within him at what lay behind those calculating eyes.

“Oh, hello.” Lydia feigned ignorance well but not well enough for someone accustomed to reading beneath surfaces as Jaxon was.

He offered a chuckle, light but edged with certainty, as he took Lydia's hand in greeting. Her palm felt cool against his warmth. She sought control in this game they were playing, unaware she had already lost.

“Jaxon Sterling,” he introduced himself once more before shifting focus back to Delcy, an unspoken claim passing between them under Lydia's watchful gaze.

Lydia’s coaxing tone directed at Delcy brought forth another round of nervous hair-tucking, a telltale sign Jaxon found endearing beyond reason.

Reluctantly yielding to peer pressure, and perhaps curiosity, Delcy agreed to join them for drinks.

Jaxon savored this victory, however small it might be, extending his hand once again and watching Delcy deliberate before accepting it. His thumb grazed over delicate knuckles before he lifted their joined hands, his lips brushing over soft skin while holding her captive gaze, an assertion wrapped in chivalry that spoke volumes more than words ever could.

As they approached where Colton waited, the twin mirror image of power and desire, he introduced them with pride swelling in his chest like a battle hymn.

“Ladies, meet my twin brother, Colton Sterling.”

The weight of Colton's gaze upon Delcy was tangible, an acknowledgment that transcended mere sight, a recognition deep and unspoken between brothers who now shared an uncharted path forward, one they would tread together in pursuit of making Delcy irrevocably theirs.


The air thickened, a charged tension wrapping around me as Jaxon ushered me toward the empty seat next to Colton. I hesitated, my feet rooted to the carpet for a moment longer than necessary. Yet I couldn't defy the silent command in Jaxon's eyes.

As I reluctantly lowered myself onto the plush leather sofa, my thigh accidentally brushed Colton's. A spark of electricity jolted through me at the contact, and I felt breathless. The heady scent of both men's alpha pheromones only intensified my unease and the growing warmth within.

Lydia, who made herself comfortable in the armchair near me, started chattering about some topics related to high society that I didn't quite understand. Her voice sounded distant, as if she were speaking from another world. All I was aware of was the intense presence of both Colton and Jaxon. Their eyes seemed to be locked on to me, analyzing my every move.

I folded my hands tightly in my lap and tried to focus on Lydia's inane chatter, but with Colton's muscular frame mere inches from mine, it was impossible to concentrate. She was now rambling on about polo matches, yacht parties, some exclusive club—all things that meant nothing to me.

Colton leaned in slightly, and his voice, deep and rich, pulled me from my thoughts. Every time he looked at me, while he lazily conversed with Lydia, a wave of nervous energy coursed through my body.

“Delcy, what brings you here tonight?” Jaxon asked.

His inquiry caught me off guard, as I hadn't anticipated being addressed. This was typical, as Lydia had always been the center of attention in any gathering she was a part of. I habitually opted to keep quiet so as not to divert any undivided focus from her. She disliked it when that happened. Even Amanda and Nora knew this and played supporting roles to please her.

I fumbled for words, not sure how to answer him.

“Lydia invited me,” I finally managed to say, which was true. “She said it would be a good opportunity to meet new people.”

Colton raised an eyebrow at me, and I felt my cheeks flush even more. I could feel his eyes boring into me, and I couldn't help but feel like he was judging me.

“That's nice of Lydia,” Jaxon said, shifting his gaze from me to Lydia, who appeared to grow red on the cheeks as she stiffened in her seat. I wondered why he put so much emphasis on the word nice. To me, it sounded almost… sarcastic.

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