Page 13 of Ensnared Desire

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Jaxon hesitated, caught off guard by her question. “I… neglected to pick up an extra coffee to take away,” he said, grasping for an excuse. “It's for my sibling. We stopped by yesterday evening, and the coffee was outstanding then.”

The girl smiled brightly. “Oh, Delcy must have been the one who brewed the coffee yesterday. She was on duty last evening. Nearly everyone adores the coffee she brews. She has a real knack for it. No worries, Delcy's on shift at the moment. I'll fetch her for you.”

Jaxon tensed at the mention of her name. His eyes tracked the server girl as she headed to the back, returning a moment later with Delcy in tow.

Seeing her up close made Jaxon's breath catch. Despite half of her face being covered with a mask, it did little to diminish her beauty or soften the intoxicating effect of her scent. He drank in every detail hungrily—the graceful slope of her neck, the wayward strands of hair escaping her ponytail, her slim wrists peeking out from rolled-up sleeves.

Delcy kept her gaze lowered as she stepped behind the counter, avoiding direct eye contact. Jaxon's hands curled into fists, fighting the urge to reach out and tip her chin up. To stare into those eyes until she acknowledged him.

“What can I get for you?” Delcy asked softly, still not meeting his gaze.

Jaxon had to clear his throat before speaking. “Two coffees. Black. To go.”

Delcy nodded and turned to prepare the order. Jaxon watched her every movement, mesmerized by her graceful efficiency. His inner alpha purred contentedly at her nearness.

All too soon, she was sliding two steaming cups across the counter to him. “Here you go,” she said.

“Thank you.” Jaxon tried to infuse meaning into those simple words. Tried to convey how just being close to her filled him with impossible joy.

If Delcy understood, she gave no indication. With a slight bow of her head, she slipped away to resume her duties.

Jaxon gathered up the coffees reluctantly. Part of him yearned to stay, to bask in her presence a little longer. But the rational part of his mind knew he couldn't linger. With a final look, he turned and left the shop.

Back at Sterling Enterprises, Jaxon felt buoyed by an inexplicable lightness. The encounter with Delcy filled him with optimism and energy. He strode into Colton's office and set one of the coffees on his desk.

“Thought you could use this,” he said breezily.

Colton's nostrils flared as he caught a trace of Delcy's scent. His jaw tightened, but he remained silent as Jaxon sauntered back out, whistling happily.

Jaxon settled in at his own desk, unable to keep a faint smile from his lips. Seeing Delcy, even for those brief moments, had been worth any excuse. He could still conjure every detail—the cadence of her voice, the grace of her movements. Each small thing added to the growing mosaic of who she was.

And Jaxon found himself longing to uncover more, so much more.

He lifted the cup to his lips and sampled the coffee, detecting Delcy's distinct sweet scent. He let out a low moan and muttered a quiet, “Fuck,” as he felt himself ascending to the heavens.

Mike entered, clutching his tablet, prepped for the afternoon workload. “You snag your coffee from Brewed Dreams as well?” he asked.

Jaxon eyed the emblem, a sophisticated script spelling out Brewed Dreams, on the side of the coffee cup.

“They craft a superb blend,” he said.

“Indeed,” Mike said. “The rest of the crew is fond of it and frequently orders in. The looming deadline calls for a caffeine boost.” He laughed.

Jaxon marveled, “They offer delivery?” His grin widened appreciatively.


I huddled in the dimly lit staff room, my fingers trembling as I clutched the tiny pill bottle. Suppressants were my shield, a routine armor I donned each morning without fail. Yet here I was, taking an extra dose, confusion swirling within me like milk in coffee. My body shouldn't have been this sensitive; this morning's pill should've been enough.

Ever since I served coffee to those two men yesterday, the ones with such strong alpha pheromones, it was like my body couldn't handle it. Their scents lingered in my mind, igniting feelings and reactions I thought were long buried.

Maybe it was time to see Dr. Evans, to talk about increasing my dosage. The thought was like a stone in my stomach. More medication meant more money, and money was a luxury I couldn’t afford to spare.

Dr. Evans did warn me that as an unmated omega gets older, they require higher suppressant levels to properly regulate their heats. At twenty-five, I was teetering on the edge already. But the clinic didn't take my insurance, and I could barely afford what I had now. Still, if this kept up, I might not have a choice.

With a heavy sigh, I slid the bottle back into my apron pocket and returned to the familiar rhythm of the coffee shop. The hum of the machines was a comforting backdrop to my scattered thoughts.

The afternoon lull had settled over the café, only a few patrons lingering at their tables. Anna's laughter cut through the quiet, her voice light and bubbly as she chatted with Blair, our boss, and Rick, the other barista. Blair smiled indulgently as Anna gushed excitedly while Rick chuckled as he stacked freshly washed mugs.

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