Page 61 of Gum Tree Gully

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‘No, all good, I’ve got my hire car.’

‘Right, well, see you when you get here then.’

She nodded, even though Connor couldn’t see her. ‘Yes, okay, I’ll see you in about an hour, if that’s okay?’

‘Great, I have a couple of odd jobs to get done, so that’s perfect.’

It was almost an hour and a half before Samantha pulled up at Connor’s place. She’d been so keen to look cute, but not too cute, it had taken her four outfits to come to the conclusion that she’d reached her goal. Her bedroom looked like a bomb had hit it, but with no time to clean it up, she’d left it for later, along with the pile of folding. She didn’t want to waste another second that she could be spending with the man who possessed her every thought.

Wearing a floaty yellow dress, with her black bikini just visible beneath the thin cotton material, she stepped from her car and into Connor’s magnetic energy. ‘Sorry I’m late.’

‘Fashionably, by the looks.’ His gaze drank her in appreciatively. ‘Yellow suits you, big time, very beachy, Sammie.’

Her heart fluttered, and she playfully curtsied. ‘Thanks.’ She eyed his attire of a singlet and board shorts, and stark white bare feet. ‘And FYI, the beachside look suits you, too.’

‘As you can see by the tanned sock marks.’ He looked down and wriggled his toes. ‘I don’t get to dress like this much seeing as I’m pretty much always on the clock, but, today,’ he brought his eyes back to hers, ‘I thought why the hell not pretend it’s a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of holiday.’

‘I reckon that’s a perfect way to look at today.’ She handed him the basket of goodies she’d packed at a hundred miles an hour.

‘What’s all this?’ He peered within as they made their way towards the farmhouse.

‘Nothing special, just a little bit of this and that for our lunch, or smoko, or whenever it is we want to eat.’ She smiled. ‘I don’t know about you, but swimming always makes me hungry.’

‘Ditto, Sammie.’ He held up the packet of Tim Tams. ‘Oh lord help me, because I can never stop at one of these bad boys.’

‘Ha, me neither.’ Kicking her sandals off at the back door, she patted her belly. ‘Mind you, I’ve put on a few kilos since coming back here.’

‘I don’t know where.’ His gaze travelled over her. ‘Because you still look fit as.’

‘Aw, thanks, with Shea’s amazing cooking, I feel like all I’ve basically done is eat.’ She stepped into the coolness of the little farmhouse, loving the way it smelt of wood and spice and all things Connor.

‘Too right, she’s an awesome cook, hey.’

‘Yes, and so are you,’ she said, leaning against the butcher’s block at the centre of the kitchen.

‘Aw, thanks, Sammie.’ Conner grinned spiritedly as he brought a finger to his lips. ‘Shhh, don’t tell anyone, though, or I’ll have the whole town knocking at my door, wanting to taste my food.’ Plunking the basket on the kitchen countertop, he then grabbed a few beers and a couple of bottles of water from the fridge and popped them into an esky on the sink. ‘You good with beer and water?’

‘Sure am.’ She tapped the countertop, and then straightened. ‘You’ve really done such a nice job on this place, Connor, you should be proud of yourself.’

He turned, and followed her gaze. ‘Thanks, Sammie, I love it here.’

For a fleeting moment, Sammie imagined herself living here with him, and the thought filled her with joy.

If only …

‘Right, you good to go?’

‘Am I ever!’ She clapped her hands together. ‘I’m super excited to go up in the chopper with you. It’s been forever since I’ve seen Gum Tree Gully from the sky’

‘It’ll be the first flight with me at the helm, instead of Dad.’

‘Yes, and I’m sure you’ll make me feel as safe and secure as he always did.’ She gave his arm a squeeze.

Reaching where the chopper was parked, he helped her up and into the passenger seat, and then raced around the front and jumped in beside her.

‘I love the days I get to have this as my office window.’ He passed her a headset.

‘I bet, and why wouldn’t you?’ She slipped it on and positioned the microphone.

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