Page 51 of Gum Tree Gully

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‘It’s not that simple, Shea.’

‘Oh yes, it is,’ Shea replied with another nod.

‘I have a very successful business there.’ Feeling somewhat defeated, Samantha shrugged off Shea’s look of so what.

‘I know you have a successful business, Sammie, but that also means you can easily sell it. And in the long run, what’s more important, a lucrative business that keeps you in a place that you may not want to be, or being able to be free so you can live in joy every day of your life?’

‘Both are equally important.’ Their salads arrived and although they looked amazing, Samantha had somewhat lost her appetite.

‘Choose.’ Daring glinted in Shea’s brown eyes, made bigger by her glasses.

‘I can’t.’ Samantha heaved a weighty breath. ‘If I decided to move back here, it’s not just a click of the fingers affair. I’d have to find an agent, then list my business, then wade through the red tape of selling it.’

‘Okay, alright, I get it.’ Shea paused for a breath with her gaze gently devoted to Samantha’s. ‘I know it’s not going to be easy, if you ever decide to come back, but nothing worth having in life ever is. So please, for the love of god, stop making excuses if coming back here is something you may want, that’s all I’m trying to say.’

‘I’ll think about it.’ Grabbing her fork, Samantha stabbed a piece of lettuce, and shoved it into her mouth. ‘Holy moly, this dressing is divine,’ she garbled.

‘I know, right?’ Shea followed suit, and for a few minutes they were silent as they enjoyed their meals.

Having a few moments to gather her thoughts, and place them back into order, Samantha finished crunching on a crouton and then gave her friend a smile. ‘Thank you, for having the courage to tell me what you think is best for me.’

‘Ever since you married Benjamin, and seemed so happy in London with him, I’ve tried to stay out of your business as much as I can, but having you back here, and seeing how happy it makes you being around the people who love you, well, I just couldn’t hold my tongue any longer.’

‘Well, just for the record, I’m so glad you didn’t.’

Shea’s expression was hopeful. ‘You are?’

‘Yes, and no,’ Samantha chuckled. ‘But mainly yes.’

‘I like the sounds of that, Sammie.’ As she finished the last of her salad, Shea’s look of glee spoke a thousand words. ‘We better get a move on, our nail appointment is in ten minutes.’

‘Yes, let’s skedaddle.’ Samantha had almost licked her bowl clean, the salad was so lip-smackingly delicious. Taking her wallet from her handbag, she grabbed a couple of notes. ‘This is my shout, and I don’t want to hear any protests, okay.’ She playfully flashed Shea a stern look as she stood.

‘Geez, okay.’ Shea gathered her things and came to Samantha’s side. ‘Thank you for a yummy lunch.’

The street was a hive of activity when they stepped back outside – Friday mornings were always busy in Gum Tree Gully, given the fact not much opened on a weekend, apart from the pubs and servo.

Samantha threw her handbag over her shoulder and hooked her arm into Shea’s. ‘Now let’s go get snazzied up for your big day.’

Falling into step beside her, Shea grinned. ‘Yes, let’s.’


From across the other side of his granny’s dining table, Connor subtly gestured to the clock above the mantelpiece with a flick of his eyes. Following his gaze, Samantha realised it was smack on six, and not a minute later. She grinned back at him. Although it would be overbearing, living in such an orderly manner, she couldn’t help but adore Granny’s need for schedules and punctuality. She’d had always been the same – some things never changed. And then a realisation slapped her hard and sharp in the face. Oh god, was she going to end up like Granny, divorced young, never remarried, living all alone, existing through each day as if it was Groundhog Day?

‘Sammie, is everything alright?’ His plate now piled high, Connor flashed her a charming smile.

‘Oh, yes, sorry, I just remembered I forgot to make an important call.’ She began helping herself to the mountain of food at the centre of the table. ‘Everything looks so delicious.’

‘I show my love through my cooking, my dear.’ Granny’s poise was regal, as was her smile. ‘Shall we say grace, before we tuck in?’ She reached a hand to either side of her.

Samantha dropped her fork like it was a hot branding iron. ‘Yes, we shall.’

Connor offered her a secretive grin. ‘I’ll take the honours, tonight, Granny.’

‘That would be lovely, Connor.’

They joined hands. Closing her eyes, Samantha relished the sound of Connor’s voice as the heat of his touch sent sparks and shivers through her.

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