Page 26 of Gum Tree Gully

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‘You can take the girl out of the country, but not the country out of the girl,’ she quietly said to herself, then nodded to affirm this before stepping out and into the warm sunshine.

It didn’t take her long to be heading out on her adventure. Negotiating the four-wheeler motorbike over the rutted road that was spiralling uphill, she made sure to take it slow and steady; unlike when she’d been a teenager, and she’d tear around the property without a worry in the world about crashing. As she reached the summit, an approaching thumping sound had her pulling to a stop and spinning in her seat to catch sight of three kangaroos bounding past. Catching sight of her, they paused and eyed her up, and for a few seconds she felt as if she were in a Mexican stand-off. Then just like that, they were off and bounding again, disappearing very quickly into the surrounding scrublands. She spent the next little while cruising about, stopping, wandering, taking photos with her iPhone, then cruising about some more. At midday, she stopped by the dam and sat on the water’s edge, mindful of not having her toes nibbled by a red claw. Lost in Shea’s backyard, the hours flew by and before she knew it, she’d driven into town and was stepping into the shop that was like a full-blown sensory experience. Sweet, perfumed scents had her breathing a little more deeply, and the bright pops of colourful flowers had her eyes widening. Shea went straight toward the bucket of red roses, and inhaled the smell in deeply.

‘I’ll be with you in a sec, Shea,’ a singsong voice carried from the back.

‘No worries, Suzie,’ Shea called back, before sighing in pleasure.

Samantha’s gaze drifted over the shop. ‘It’s seriously like another world in here.’

‘Isn’t it ever?’ Shea plucked a couple of bright yellow sunflowers from a blue vase. ‘I think I might take a few of these beauties home with us. They’ll look nice on the kitchen table.’

‘They sure will.’ Reaching to pick up a red rose, she winced when a thorn pricked her fingertip. ‘Ouch.’ She brought it to her mouth. ‘The ferocious thing bit me.’

Shea grimaced, then grinned. ‘Every rose has its thorn, Sammie, as Poison tells us.’

‘Ha, yes, true that,’ Samantha replied just as the florist appeared with a stunning bridal bouquet in her hands. ‘I just had a practice run, Shea, what do you think?’

‘Oh, my goodness.’ Shea took the bouquet, her expression a picture of absolute wonder. ‘I think this is the most beautiful bouquet I’ve ever seen.’ She turned to Samantha. Her eyes glimmered with unshed tears. ‘Do you like, Sammie?’

‘I love, wow.’ The dusky pink roses looked as if the petals had been crafted from the softest velvet, and when she brought her nose to it, the smell transported her to an English garden.

The florist clapped her hands. ‘I’m so happy you’re so happy, Shea.’ Reaching out, she ran a hand down Shea’s arm, and then gave her wrist a squeeze. ‘You deserve to be overjoyed on your special day, especially seeing as you’ve waited so long for it.’

‘Thank you, Suzie.’ Shea wiped a finger beneath each eye, smiling through her happy tears.

The door jingled behind them and, leaving Shea to sort out the finer details, Samantha turned to see Connor waltzing through the door, his hat now in his hands. Man, she couldn’t get away from him – not that she wanted to.

Connor’s face lit up like a Christmas tree when he spotted her. ‘Oh, hey, Sammie, fancy running into you two here, of all the places.’

She offered him a matching smile in greeting. ‘We’re finalising the wedding flowers.’ Assuming he was buying one very lucky woman flowers, she felt a weird jealous sensation wash over her. ‘What are you doing in here?’

Oh god, did I just say that out loud?

‘I’m just getting Mum some flowers.’

She sensed his magnetic pull, tried to push back, but couldn’t help herself. ‘Oh, that’s so sweet of you.’ Her heart swelled at his gesture – he and his mum had always shared a close bond. ‘Is it for a special occasion, or just because?’

‘A very special occasion, it’s her birthday.’ He looked to the vase filled with yellow sunflowers. ‘These beauties are her favourite, so I was hoping Suzie would have plenty in stock.’

‘Well.’ She took a couple of steps to his side. ‘It looks like you’re in luck.’

‘Uh-huh, big time.’ He plucked ten flowers out, and then turned back to her. ‘Hey, I’m cooking her a birthday dinner tonight, and I know Mum would love to catch up with you, so why don’t you come and join us?’

‘Really?’ Feeling put on the spot, she wasn’t sure if the right thing was to accept or decline his nice offer.

‘Yes, really, Mum’s always had a soft spot for you.’ He paused momentarily, as if for effect. ‘And what better time to catch up than her birthday?’ His expression was filled with hope.

She did like his mum, a lot, and it would be lovely to see her. ‘Only if you’re absolutely certain.’

I’m positive.

‘Okay, sounds lovely, count me in.’ Then she remembered Shea was cooking teriyaki salmon, but before she could say anything, Shea was right beside her. ‘Hey Connor.’

‘Howdy doo, Shea?’

‘Yeah, really good thanks.’ She glanced at Samantha. ‘We can have the salmon tomorrow night, Sammie, so don’t feel tied in to be with us tonight.’

‘You sure?’

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