Page 81 of Charlotte

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Charli sat on the bed in one of the bedrooms at the family home, watching as the hairstylist fixed her daughter’s hair.

Layla had woken up with a smile, and it hadn’t dimmed at all over the past few hours. Now she sat bundled up in a white robe that had her name embroidered on it, which matched the ones worn by Kayleigh and the two bridesmaids.

The hairstylist who’d come to do Kayleigh’s hair had also done their mom’s, the bridesmaids’, and now, Layla’s. The makeup artist and her assistant had worked their magic on each of them as well. Charli hadn’t been sure about letting Layla wear makeup, but thankfully, Kayleigh had left the decision up to her.

After making sure that Layla understood it was a one-time thing, Charli had agreed to let her wear a little bit of natural-looking makeup. That had included a soft eyeshadow with some mascara and lip gloss.

Layla had been thrilled with the results. Charli had been less so because it was a reminder that her little girl was growing up.

All the pampering didn’t make Charli wish that Kayleigh had included her in her wedding party, but she was so glad that her sister had asked Layla to be a junior bridesmaid. Ciara was the official flower girl, and Sabrina, Hudson’s half-sister, was a bridesmaid, while Janessa was the matron of honor.

Layla had loved all the pampering over the last couple of days, which had included a manicure, pedicure, and a facial the day before. Charli hoped her daughter didn’t develop a taste for spa days quite yet. She was already growing up so fast.

The photographer that Kayleigh had hired circled the room, taking a bunch of shots of the primping process. Charli stayed out of the way as she wasn’t quite ready for camera time.

Her heart ached a little as she watched her mom interact with Kayleigh, her pride clear on her face. It had been the same on Janessa’s wedding day.

Charli didn’t begrudge her sisters their love and relationships. However, it was hard not to think about the fact that if things had unfolded the way she’d hoped they would, she would have been the first child to get married.

Instead, she was watching sibling after sibling fall in love and get married. It was… hard. Especially now that the man she’d planned to marry was back on the scene, bringing to the forefront of her thoughts and emotions everything she’d missed out on.

“Do I look pretty, Mom?” Layla asked as she came to spin in front of Charli. Her dark hair was gathered up in a pile of curls, with a ribbon with curling ends wrapped around her head.

“You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart,” Charli assured her, emotion clogging her throat at the joy flooding Layla’s face.

Because she was getting married in the fall, Kayleigh had chosen burnt orange and burgundy as her colors. Layla’s dress was burgundy, with a burnt orange band around her waist, which matched the ribbon in her hair.

Janessa’s dress was burnt orange, which looked gorgeous with her skin tone. Sabrina wore a burgundy dress in the same shade and material as Layla’s, but the style was a little more mature to suit the fifteen-year-old. The bouquets they would carry had a mixture of all the autumnal colors.

Charli had decided on a dark green for her own dress, and it was a much simpler style than the dresses the bridal attendants wore.

“Knock, knock!”

Charli turned to see Misha come in with Ciara on her hip. The little girl was the flower girl, and she’d be walking down the aisle with Peyton. Her dress was the same color as Janessa’s, but the style matched Layla’s, just shorter.

“You look so pretty, Ciara,” Layla said as Misha put the little girl down.

“You wook pretty too,” Ciara replied with a beaming grin.

Charli smiled at the cute pronunciation of Ciara’s words. She was also growing up so quickly, as was Peyton.

Once Kayleigh and her bridal party were all ready, the photographer wanted them outside in the backyard of Charli’s parents’ home for pictures. Charli planned to get herself prepared, now that Layla was ready to go.

“Charli,” Kayleigh called out from where she stood near the door. When Charli approached her, she said, “I want you and Skylar to get your hair and makeup done too. I’m paying the hair stylist and make-up artists for you two as well, so don’t argue about it.”

Charli frowned, but then she nodded. It would save her having to do it, so if Kayleigh insisted, she’d take her up on the offer. “Okay. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.” Kayleigh leaned forward and brushed a kiss on Charli’s cheek. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” They had an up and down relationship, but at the end of the day, they were sisters, and that mattered.

Once the wedding party, along with her mom and Misha, had left the room to go outside for pictures, Charli told the waiting hair and makeup people that she’d be right back. She went down the hallway and rapped on the door of Skylar’s room.

Skylar had arrived the night before, but she’d been rather quiet amidst all the preparations. Kayleigh had asked her to be a bridesmaid, but Skylar had—surprisingly—turned her down. Charli didn’t know what reason she’d given to Kayleigh, but Kayleigh hadn’t talked about her refusal beyond saying Skylar wasn’t going to be a member of the wedding party.

When Skylar opened the door, she looked exhausted.

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