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“I think I’d like to try it some day because it’s another way to be outside.”

I nuzzle her shoulder. “You are the avid outdoorswoman, huh?”

“I love to be in the open. Fresh air. Sunshine…”

Hence your need to check the weather?

“But golf still seems boring. Not competitive.”

“It is very competitive.” I chuckle. “Not violent, like a contact sport, but all of them are trying to win.”

“I’m not a fan of contact sports,” she admits. “But I guess I am competitive.”


She nods, nestling back against me. “I had to be. For scholarships, you know? I had to be competitive for good grades, too.”

I furrow my brow, letting her words sink in. The way she grew up was so different from how I was raised, and I hate that she’s had to fight for her way in life. It makes me hold her closer and appreciate her more, and with another kiss on her shoulder, I hope I can at least brighten her time while we’re here.

Knocks sound on the door, and I get up to bring the food in. We arrange the dishes on the bed, almost like a picnic. As she bites into the bacon, she frowns at the TV. “So, what’s a birdie, exactly?”

I smile and explain. We spend the lazy morning in bed eating and relaxing while I watch golf and teach her about the sport. It’s a simple way to while away the hours, but when we leave in the afternoon, I know it’s hands down the best morning of my life. Johanna slips from my mind completely, and all I can wonder about is if and when Aubrey and I can hang out like this again.

Chapter 22


A few days after our night out in Breckenridge, I couldn’t tell that a storm had ever come through the area. The tree that fell and just missed the house was gone. A messy pile of logs waited to dry out for Caleb to split. I wasn’t sure why he liked it so much. Being out here in the open air is invigorating, but it isn’t making me eager to audition for a lumberjack.

I could do with finding a gym around here, though. I miss the simplicity of exercising in an air-conditioned room with the familiar sounds and smells of a well-equipped weight room. Not having a gym to frequent is the only thing I miss out here, because all my other needs are basically met. I’m a city guy, but it’s amazing how much I can get done out of that area too.

Sitting back here in the shade, I enjoy a chance to catch up on some work. A couple of brokers want to chat. A real estate manager is due to call me in a few minutes, too, but first, I’ve got to get off the phone with my cousin. Claire is my only cousin, and with such a small family between us, she’s always felt like a little sister instead. It’s been a long while since we’ve caught up, though.

“Just outside Breckenridge?” she asks, then laughs. “I can’t picture you at a bed-and-breakfast at all, let alone way out in Colorado.”

I smile at the Goldfinch. “It’s really nice out here.” Nice enough I might relocate. Maybe.

“How’s Johanna taking it? She’s not outdoorsy at all.”

“Claire.” I furrow my brow. “Did you get amnesia on the flight to Paris? I caught her cheating on me a year ago…”

“Uh, yeah. But I thought I saw something online. Someone shared something about you guys being back together. I just assumed you were.”

“No.” I roll my eyes and scroll through an email as I chat. “She wants to get back together, but that’s never going to happen.”

“Ah. So you’re what? Hiding and hanging out with Caleb to avoid her?”

Sort of. “Enough about me. How’ve you been?”

“Well, I met someone.”

I raise my brows. “Really?” Claire has always been a go-getter, too busy with her fashion dreams to ever let a guy into her life. I’m sure her expectations are sky-high. Her mother is particular and choosy and that’s rubbed off on my cousin.

“Yeah. It just happened. And now that it looks like my gown designs might take off, maybe I’m due a chance to let a little love in for good.”

I widen my eyes. “For good?”

“I think…I think we might elope.”

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