Page 68 of Soul Keeper

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“Absolutely not! Every time we meddle in the affairs of others, it always ends the same way. Disaster!”

“Relax, Zephyr. This time, neither of you will have to play the role of Cupid. That job falls to a certain layabout Frog Prince and a swamp-dwelling pixie.” Hera broke into a flawless smile as she tucked Zephyr’s instructions into his robes. “You just need to blend into the background, and keep an eye on things. Consider it a vacation to reward all your hard work."

Zephyr groaned, knowing any further resistance to the Queen’s plan was futile. “You’d think, just once, that people would take charge of their own love lives…”

“The affairs of the heart are never straightforward, Zephyr.” Hera smiled and clapped her hands, as if the matter had been decided. “Now go, both of you. Ever After needs you. The fate of the world is in your hands.”

With a burst of golden light, Hera disappeared into the heavens, where she took her place in the constellations. Zephyr sighed in defeat, and glanced glumly at the instructions.

“So much for our hero’s return. We’ve become nothing more than Hera’s personal matchmakers.”

“Oh, quit your grumbling, wind man. It’ll be fun!” Iris plucked the instructions from his hand, before a rainbow arced through the sky and to the earth below. “And just think of the mayhem we can cause. A sprinkle of fairy dust up the Beast’s nose… joyriding a pumpkin carriage… picking fights with the Seven Dwarves… there’s no time to waste!”

“Hey, Hera put me in charge!”

“She said no such thing.” Iris broke into a scowl, before she sped along her rainbow road. “Race you there, wind man!”

Zephyr sighed as Iris sped into the distance with a cackle. Clearly, some things never changed. Still, a smile crossed his lips as he watched her technicolor hair billow in the winds, and her eyes sparkled with delight. Because he knew he never wanted their adventure to end.

With a smile, he turned his back on Olympus, where the party got into full swing. His hero’s welcome could wait. Because right now, he had a fairytale prince to catch.

