Page 37 of Soul Keeper

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She stepped closer to the darkness, until her skin broke into goosebumps from the icy winds that kept her at bay.

“For years, I’ve been sleepwalking through life. I’ve always chased the next job. The next promotion. The next paycheck. But I was never really living.“ Zoe drew a breath, and gazed at the magic of the clearing. “Until now.”

Another step brought her closer to the darkness. The winds howled, warning her not to come closer. But despite the ferocity of the gale, Zoe stood her ground, refusing to back down.

“I know there’s a million reasons why we shouldn’t be together. I know that we’re from two different worlds, destined to be apart. That a mortal has no place in a land of the dead…” Zoe took another step closer, until she was within touching distance of Shadow. “But ever since I met you, you’ve made me feel alive again. You’ve helped me see the magic in the world. And I’m not ready to let that magic go. To let you go.”

With a sudden whoosh, the Arctic winds ceased their howling, and the darkness dissipated into the twinkling lights of the will-ó-wisps. As the air sparkled with a magical glow, Zoe took the final step, and drew her body to Shadow’s. Their lips touched, softly at first, then with a firmness that burned through to her inner being. Zoe lost herself within the kiss, at the feel of Shadow’s lips against her own, the roughness of his stubble against her skin, the feel of his hands within her hair. It was a kiss that swept her away. A kiss filled with desire and longing. A kiss of magic.

The clock chimed once more, pulling the pair from the moment. Shadow cursed, and glanced at the moon as it lowered on the horizon.

“We’re running out of time.”

But Zoe broke into a smile, and led him towards the motel. “Then we’ll have to make every moment count.”

Their journey became a blur of passion as they embraced each other in the courtyard, the gardens, the motel. Zoe gasped as Shadow masterfully loosened her bodice in Misty’s saloon, and eyed him hungrily as she tore at his silk shirt, leaving it strewn on the staircase. With every step, their hands explored each other, loosening their clothing in their desperation for their flesh to meet, until they reached the threshold of his bedchambers.

With a devilish smile, Shadow drew Zoe to the silk sheets of the bed, before he pressed his lips to her body. He relished each kiss, savoring the sensation on his lips, while his hands masterfully caressed her. His eyes gleamed as his lips brushed her bare legs, working his way upwards, until he reached the deep split of her dress. A hunger flickered in his eyes, a primal longing, before Zoe drew him to her.

She gasped at the feeling of his tongue as he teased her, building her body into a crescendo. Her hands dug into the headboard as he explored her with a masterful rhythm, while her toes curled as she reached her peak. A wave of pleasure wracked her body, until she breathlessly clung to Shadow. But as the minutes ticked by on the clock, she smiled, and drew Shadow to her once more, knowing she had to make every second count.

Shadow’s eyes burned with passion as their bodies met. After years of being confined to his spectral form, he savored each sensation, until every touch, every kiss, every caress felt like the first time. Together, they explored each other’s bodies with a primal want, a need, as if it were their last night on earth. In this land of death and darkness, every kiss, every touch, became a celebration of life itself, until together, they reached the peak of their pleasure.

Together, they lay breathless, their bodies united beneath the silk sheets. Zoe held Shadow close, and relished the weight of his body on hers. As she gazed at the star-filled sky beyond, she knew this was the most magical night of her life. And she never wanted it to end.


Moonlight pooled into the bed chambers. Its ethereal rays spilled across the tousled silk sheets like molten mercury, while flickering candles bathed the room in a magical glow. At the heart of this moonlit reverie, Zoe nestled into the warmth of Shadow’s chest, slumbering peacefully as his fingertips softly brushed her hair. She relished every blissful moment, and every precious touch. Because as the clock tolled once more, she knew that their time grew short.

Shadow stirred at the chimes of the clocks, as if drawn by some unseen magic. With a sigh, he reluctantly raised himself from the silk sheets, before he offered Zoe his hand.

“Come with me.”

Together, they retraced their steps through the motel, collecting their strewn clothing from where they’d been flung in the throes of their passion. Zoe repressed a giggle as Shadow unhooked a pair of silk boxer shorts from a bust of one of his ancestors, before they journeyed to the center of the maze, where hundreds of will-ó-wisps fluttered through the air. With a smile, Shadow led her to the dancefloor, before she turned to him questioningly.

“But there’s no music…”

Shadow pointed to the tapestry of light provided by the will-ó-wisps above. “Listen.”

Zoe followed his gaze, before she drew a breath in surprise. Each beat of the will-ó-wisp’s wings reverberated through the air like the plucking of harp strings, weaving together to create a rich tapestry of sound. Zoe’s heart stirred at the beautiful melody, until she took to the dancefloor with Shadow. As they danced by the roots of the pomegranate tree, she gazed in wonder at the enchanting sights that surrounded her, knowing it was the perfect way to end the most magical evening of her life. And yet, as she watched the moon descend towards the horizon, she couldn’t help but feel her heart sink along with it.

“How long do you have left?”

“Until the first rays of sunrise touch my skin.” Shadow smiled sadly, and brushed a stray lock of hair from Zoe’s face. “Such magic can only last for so long. It’s why we must make every second count.”

With a smile, Shadow gently tilted her chin, and pressed his lips to hers. As the will-ó-wisps bathed her in their magical melody and light, Zoe lost herself in the magic of the kiss, until she drew Shadow closer. She wrapped her arms around his body, holding him close, as if that alone could defy the magic that bound these lands. But as their lips parted, she realized a greater challenge lay ahead of them than just magic. She might have gained Shadow’s trust, but she had come to the Underworld under false pretenses. And it was time to put things right.

“Shadow, I need to tell you something...”

A pit of unease opened in Zoe’s stomach as Shadow looked at her warily. A cold breeze swept through the clearing, while the darkness in his eyes bloomed once more, as if protecting him from harm.

“Is something the matter?” Shadow searched her eyes uncertainly. “If you regret what happened...”

“No, I don’t regret anything about tonight. But...”

Zoe blinked back tears as she placed a hand to Shadow’s face. Dealing with magic was one thing, but admitting her treachery was altogether different. But despite her unease, she knew she had to come clean. Shadow had been betrayed once before, and she had no intention of hurting him again. She just hoped that her honesty wouldn’t cost her everything.

“I...” Zoe drew a breath, her mind racing as she tried to find the right words to say. “I have a confession to make...”
