Page 160 of Every Breath After

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My gaze snaps up to his, widening. “Out. I’m heading out.”

His cheeks are blazing as he quickly zips up his fly, buttoning it, and he nods jerkily, pale, lightly freckled shoulders hunched by his ears, chest caved.

“What are you doing?” I say, my voice oddly tight.

Leaning into the open trunk, he quickly grabs a baggy black and red striped long-sleeved shirt, shakes it out, and quickly throws it over his head. “What does it look like?”

He shoves his arms in the sleeves, and quickly tugs it down over his pale, flat chest and stomach. Avoiding my gaze, he runs his fingers through the golden blond hair tumbling around his downturned face.

“Were you…driving naked?”

His fingers still, and his eyes shoot up to mine, brow furrowed. “What? No, no, I’m…” He waves a hand. “My clothes smelled like pot, so I…” He waves a hand down at his now-covered body.

I blink. “Your parents know you smoke.”

He rolls his eyes, flinging some hair back. “Yeah, but they’d prefer it if I did it in the safety of our backyard,” he mumbles.

“Right,” I say. I knew this.

Clearing his throat, his eyes dart to mine, then away, but then he doubles back, frowning. “Are you…okay?”


He slouches, bringing his hands together, and cracking his fingers. “You look…funny.”

“Uh, yeah…” I run my tongue against my teeth and bring a hand to my hair, running my fingers through the knots. “I’m fine. Just...” I blow out a breath, nodding. “You shouldn’t be driving and smoking.”

He snorts, and I glare at him.

He holds up his hands. “Okay, Dad.” He grabs his messenger bag from the trunk before slamming it closed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

He makes to brush past me, when I grab his shoulder, halting him.

Rearing back a step, he cocks his head, eyeing me expectantly.

“I mean it. It’s dangerous.”

His brows, a shade darker than his hair, pinch together. “O-kayyyy…What is going on here?” His brown eyes cut to the side, and I follow his gaze to where my fingers still have a firm grip on his shoulder.

I snap my arm back, throwing myself back a step. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Shaking his head, again he goes to move past me. This time I don’t stop him.

Facing the trees, I stare straight ahead, not really seeing anything as neurons seem to fire every which way, snuffing out before I can hope to grab any sensible thought. Well, other than:

What the actual fuck is happening right now?

I’m vaguely aware of the driver door opening, the engine being killed, and windows rolling up. The door smacks shut, and then it’s the quick thunk of sneakers on asphalt growing fainter with his receding footsteps, that finally has me snapping out of whatever…whatever the hell that was.

Did I just stroke out?


Yep, that has to be it.

Whirling around, I jog to catch up with him. “Hey.”

In the middle of the driveway, he turns around. “What?”

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