Page 128 of Queen's Crusade

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The kind of hope I would move mountains, drain oceans, and destroy the world to save.

:Fucking hell,: Mehen sighed. :Not another motherfucking king.:

:It’ll be like Christmas all the time,: Sekh drawled. :We Three Kings.:

:Shut the fuck up.:

Rik sent an alpha thump through the bond. :Get your asses over here in case we need help wrestling him into submission.:

:Yeah, like the fucking sphinx,: Mehen purred.

:Sounds like someone’s ready to whimper and beg again.:

:Anytime, motherfucker. Bring it the fuck on.:

Rolling my eyes, I gestured to the chains. “Let’s get these off him, please.”

The four Kijin Blood looked uneasily to their queen. At her nod, three of them backed away and drew long, curved swords from underneath their expensive-looking suits. The other Blood pulled a ring of keys from his pocket.

Guillaume suddenly appeared on my other side. Templar sword at the ready. He didn’t like anyone near me with steel in their hands.

The dragon and Sekh took up position behind the king. Vore dropped down lower to the ground, making himself as small as possible, but he was still fucking huge. I needed to take his blood first to ensure I had a good hold on him, but his legs looked too sharp to fuck around with too close to my mouth.

:It’s my fucking turn to take my queen on a ride.: Mehen shifted his body around the other king, stretching his long neck out toward me. :I can lift you up higher and get you the fuck out if he wants to be a prick.:

I looped my arm around his neck and stepped up on his shorter foreleg, bracing my body against him as he shifted back on his hindquarters. He clanged his teeth at Vore, smoke puffing from his mouth.

The bull shook his head, brandishing his horns like weapons. But it was one of the sharper spider legs that tapped Leviathan’s lighter scales on his stomach. He didn’t need to speak to make his threats.

“Oh, I like him,” Sekh said approvingly.

:He might gut me but I’ll roast his ass first,: Mehen retorted.

Higher up, now, I could see the metal cutting into Vore’s cheeks. My jaws tightened with fury, though I couldn’t fault Nuri for at least trying to get help for her brother. Most kings were killed before they were ever a threat to their houses.

A loud click sent a shudder through Vore’s body. One chain gone.

“I only take Blood that I love,” I repeated, watching his eyes. “What this queen takes, she loves, and what she loves, she keeps for all time. Is that?—”

He inclined his head, slowly dipping and leaning forward at the same time, carefully moving closer despite the sweeping horns.

I stretched out my hand and lightly touched my palm to his cheek, stroking my fingers over the metal. Sliding behind his head. Searching for the mechanism to free his mouth.

Vore pulled back, giving me a slight shake that didn’t jeopardize me with his horns.

“Okay,” I breathed out. “Not yet. I do need to take your blood to establish the bond. Are you alright with that?”

He inclined his head again in a nod, but then tipped his chin up, slowly shifting the heavy horns back out of the way.

Throat. Exposed.

And yeah, I wanted to taste his skin. I wanted to breathe in his scent and see what he smelled like. Right now, all I smelled was metal and dragon, chains and smoke.

But if I sank my fangs into him…

I didn’t feel right forcing him to climax when he was still chained, bound, and silenced. Especially in front of his former house and sister.

I settled for pushing my nails into his throat.

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