Page 111 of Queen's Crusade

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“The penitent may approach the Mother’s table,” Undina said, looking at me.

What the fuck? I wasn’t repenting anything. I hadn’t done anything to repent. Yet.

:All children should be penitent before the Mother,: Guillaume said in the bond. :It’s common language for petitioners coming before the Triune.:

Soft blue light flickered and shifted around the room in a circular motion. I started to feel dizzy. Pressure built in my ears, making my head feel stuffed. I promised Her I would go wherever She sent me. Even here, to the bottom of the ocean.

So I stepped forward to the table.

“You didn’t tell me that you had a wolf.” Undina’s voice rang with displeasure, and she shot me a hard look.

My eyes widened and I turned to look at Xin. He froze a few paces behind me, his ears down, his back low, one foot lifted in midair. Blue light flowed over his silver fur.

Illuminating him like a ghostly wolf.

“Oops.” I gave her an apologetic smile. “He’s so quiet I sometimes forget his existence.”

:Not true, my wolf. I could never forget you.:

:This wolf’s heart beats for you alone, my queen.:

Undina let out a harsh growl. “No Blood are allowed inside the Triune circle. Retreat to your alpha, wolf.”

Xin trotted back to Rik and laid down on his stomach, his head on his front paws. The rest of my Blood knelt against the rear wall, honoring the Mother. Though I could hear the faint buzz of their conversation in the bond as they decided who’d kill who if—when—shit hit the fan.

Because it was coming.

The weight of the entire ocean pressed down on me, making it difficult to breathe. My nerves zinged like a million fire ants marched up and down my limbs. I fought the urge to scrub my sweaty palms on the delicate lacy skirt of my gown.

Not sweat. Blood. I’d forgotten to stop the slash on my hand from bleeding.

Good. The Mother needed my blood for whatever She needed to accomplish.

And I’d promised to give Her every drop in my body.

* * *


Before my long imprisonment, I’d been called king of the depths.

I’d forgotten why.

I didn’t need water like the kraken, but I could make the sea my home if I chose. The salty sea flowed in my bloodline just as much as Gorgon, thanks to my foulest of fathers, Labbu.

I caught myself staring out into the inky depths beyond the transparent walls. Wondering if my scales would glow eerie green as I swam through the darkness. Listening to the echoing calls of whales rolling through the water from miles away. Knowing I could feast as often as I chose.

Or I could curl around my queen and listen to her breathe. Read to her for hours, her hair spread out like black silk across my chest. Now the treacherous magical tendrils would drag me back to her side. To her feet. Where I would beg her to let me love her again.

Something pained me deep inside. Likely a bone stuck in my gullet.

:You’ll never have to beg me to love you.: She glided through my bond as easily as the sharks swimming around the nest. :Though it’s ever so much fun when you beg me to sit on your face.:

:Anytime, my queen. I’ll beg you as long as there’s still breath in my lungs.:

“Three Skolos queens come before the Mother of All, offering our blood to secure Her circle,” Undina said.

My eyes slitted with hatred and draconian alarm when the three queens began to walk blood circles around the table—with my queen inside. First Gorgos, with Kijin and Ketea right behind her. Three powerful Triune queens.

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