Page 105 of Queen's Crusade

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:Fuck this boss shit. I don’t know how you do it, alpha. They’re like a bunch of feral, mad tomcats with two peters on a wild goose chase.:

Guillaume snorted and tossed his head. :You’re mixing idioms.:

:Fuck you and the horse she rode in on,: Ezra retorted.

I was too busy laughing to worry about a formal meeting with the High Queen of the Skolos Triune. Though I managed to quiet myself before Guillaume came to a halt at the edge of Undina’s blood circle. Another woman had joined her, wearing a similar short skirt tied around her hips and a loose, cropped vest. Necklaces of shells mixed with gold chain and precious jewels swung between her breasts.

She curtseyed to me. “I’m Aleka, consiliarius for House Ketea. Queen Undina, daughter of Keto, Mother of Sea Monsters, welcomes you to House Ketea.”

Gina curtsied back. “I’m Gina, and this is my queen, Shara Isador, last daughter of She Who Is and Was and Always Will Be. Her sibling, Queen Carys Tylluan; her alpha, Alrik Isador; last Templar knight, Sir Guillaume de Payne Isador; Sekh, General of the All Seeing, Never Sleeping legion of She Who Dances in Blood; and second consiliarius, Kevin Isador.”

“Sekh Isador,” Sekh said, flashing his canines.

Gina’s lips quirked. “Forgive me, general. A slip of the tongue.”

I flashed a pleased grin at him, and he came closer to lay a hand on my other thigh. :Thank you for taking my house name.:

:You honor me, Your Majesty.:

Undina hissed out a word that sounded like a curse in a different language. “You care so little for my son that you don’t bring him to see his mother?”

My brows rose in surprise. Carefully, I replied, “He assumed you would bar him from your island entirely and didn’t wish to cause any friction between us.”

“Are you his queen? Do you hold the kraken as securely as you claim? If so, bring him. Bring the dragon. Show us, if you dare, how well your kings behave.”

I kept my face smooth, but my eyes sparked with irritation. :Okeanos. Leviathan. Bring your glorious beasts to my side.:

:Be on your best fucking behavior,: Rik growled.

Leviathan dropped from the sky like a meteor and landed behind us hard enough the ground rocked beneath Guillaume’s hooves. :I might be an asshole to any of you, but I’d never fucking embarrass my queen.:

Okeanos’ tentacles slipped around my ankle and waist, draping over Guillaume’s withers and hindquarters. Not that my hell horse minded.

“Okeanos Isador and Mehen Leviathan Isador, Your Majesty,” Gina said in a frosty tone.

Undina stepped forward and held out her hand past the blood circle. “House Isador may enter my nest.”

:We go at the same time,: Rik said. :G?—:

:I can do it,: Okeanos offered quickly. :If she wants me to come through, then she can deal with the kraken.:

Leviathan lowered his head over my shoulder, hooking his chin around me to pull me back slightly against him so we were touching.

Rik offered his arm to Gina, and she took Kevin’s hand, Carys his. Okeanos stretched out his thickest, meatiest tentacle to his mother, slithering midway up her arm.

My silent, silver wolf had already crept into the nest and crouched near enough to rip out Undina’s throat if she tried to harm me.

She backed up, bringing us through the tingle of her magic. Then she twisted her wrist in Okeanos’ tentacle, deliberately wrapping more of his limb around her arm. Her broad, toothy smile made my hair float around my head, crackling with power.

“I can’t wait to see Basilia’s reaction to not only having two unchained kings in my nest, but especially Leviathan.”

:Who’s that?: I asked in the bond. :And no one’s getting chained.:

:Basilia Gorgos,: Daire answered. :Descended from Stheno.:

So one of the other Skolos Triune queens. :A distant relative of yours?: I asked the dragon.

Leviathan’s bond sizzled with flames, and he licked his lips in anticipation. After his mother exiled him, he slaughtered all the Gorgons he could find. :My mother’s line was Medusa’s, her sister goddess.:

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