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I keep my eyes on her when I climb out of the bed, and I see the second her brain comes back online.

She opens her eyes, much too awake for someone who feels as if she has the luxury of taking her time.

I hate the men who put that fear in her. It makes me want to watch Xan die all over again while his father's corpse rots at his feet. Men like the Adairs don't deserve to breathe the same air as everyone else. They're poison, cancerous. Evil men who think the world owes them something and that they can take and take with no repercussions.

I hope Xan's body rots at the coroner's office. If it weren't for the pain I want to inflict on Nathan Adair myself, I'd wish that someone in jail stabbed a concrete sharpened toothbrush right into his heart and cackled while he died.

I clear my throat when she looks at me, eyes full of fear.

"You're safe," I tell her.

Honestly, she could be in danger, but it would take a lot of death and destruction before anyone could harm her.

She rubs her eyes with the backs of her hands, and the darkness under them isn't surprising. I know she eventually fell asleep last night, but she tossed and turned all night.

When I offered her the opportunity to stay in the bed, I was hoping that maybe she'd be a little more comfortable and she could sleep better. Clearly, that wasn't the case. With how little rest she did get, I'm left wondering if maybe she didn't feel like it wasn’t an offer at all but a command for her to stay.

"I'm getting ready to head to breakfast," I explain.

Her eyes rake down my body, and I fight the urge to move my hands in front of it because it would only make me look guilty. I already feel enough of that for not stopping her last night when she climbed on the bed.

"Can you wait for me?" she asks as she sits up. "I'd like to leave the room again."

"Sure," I tell her, trying to hide the shock in my tone. "I can wait. Do you want to go first?"

She follows the point of my finger toward the bathroom door, but when she looks back at me, she shakes her head.

"You go first."

I don't waste a second grabbing my things and leaving the room. Just the sight of her on my bed, lines on her cheeks, and her voice a little husky from lack of use for hours puts me on edge.

I feel like a deviant doing what I need to do in the bathroom to keep myself under control. Stroking my cock in the shower feels like a perverse thing to do, considering the kiss last night was only because of some fucked-up mindset of hers that any niceness that comes her way has to be repaid somehow.

Knowing that didn't keep me from kissing her back, just like it doesn't stop me from picturing her naked body in my head and from shooting cum down the drain.

I'm a fucking deviant. She's here to be protected. I'm tasked with keeping her safe and giving her the things she needs. I'm not supposed to feed that fucked-up part of her that Nathan abused her into believing.

Shame coats my skin despite washing myself three times before finally climbing out of the shower and drying off.

Instead of being back inside the closet, Brielle is sitting in the armchair on the far wall.

She gives me a small smile when I open the bathroom door, and I hate knowing that it's fake. She has no reason to smile at me.

"About last night—" I begin, but I snap my mouth closed.

"Thank you for all the help you've given me," she says, and it's exactly what I told her was enough.

She doesn't want my apology, or maybe she doesn't expect one. Her words should've been to tell me to shut the fuck up because it has the same result.

"I just need about five minutes," she says, already dressed for the day.

I'm the type that likes to shower in the morning to wake up, and I've learned that Brielle likes to go to bed shortly after her shower.

If we were a couple, and I shouldn't even be thinking shit like that, we'd be the perfect pair.

I grab socks from the dresser and mumble cuss words to myself as I pull them on and get my boots on my feet.

Maybe we've been spending too much time together. I can honestly say that this last week plus a few days has been the longest I've spent with any woman.

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