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Warmth covered me all night. It felt like a hot bath, soothing and comfortable. It was a vast difference from how I thought my night would go after sitting outside in fear. My position on the poolside lounger made it easy for a sniper to put a bullet in my head, but I faced that fear anyway. I don't think Nathan would take me out that way, but my place at the Cerberus clubhouse definitely puts a kink in his plans to get to me.

After being questioned about my intentions and then Beck suggesting that I go to a different room, I was restless and terrified that he would make me leave.

The warmth from the dream I was having carries over, but instead of the Caribbean sun heating my skin, I open my eyes to find myself almost halfway out of the closet, Beck lying beside me with his hand covering mine.

He looks at peace, and I have to wonder what the man has gone through in his life that he looks as comfortable sleeping on the hard floor as he might look on a bed made of feathers.

I don't move, but it isn't fear keeping me locked in place. The man is either a good man, or he's better than anyone I've ever met at hiding who he truly is. I watch him, wondering what the lines of his neck tattoo would feel like under my fingertips, even though I know I'll never be brave enough to actually reach out and touch him.

I have to be crazy for not taking him up on his offer, but just the words made my pulse kick up in the same way it did when I heard Nathan climbing the staircase toward my room. I hated the idea of being in a different room. At least in here, I can get lost in the lie that I'm safe. I can picture him standing tall and defending me. If I were alone, I'd never sleep.

Every step someone takes toward the room I'd think would be Nathan. Every hushed word I heard through the door would be someone making plans to hurt me. I think I'd go insane in a matter of days if not hours. If he asked me to leave, I'd have to reach out to Emmalyn and see if the offer to stay at her house was still on the table. At least all the men here would fight to keep their club president safe, so I'd have a shot at living if I were there.

I begin to question why I chose to stay here instead of going to Kincaid's house, but before I can dive too deep into that questionable decision, Beck opens his eyes.

A slow, lazy grin pulls up the corners of his mouth, and, for lack of a better word, it's devastating. The man is insanely handsome. I knew that the second he walked up to me right after Beth screamed in my face to get away from her.

I know how muscular his stomach is because I keep a close eye on him every time he reaches over my head for his clothes. His t-shirt pulls away from his body, and I can see the ridge of muscle lining his stomach.

He doesn't say a word as he continues to grin at me, and I imagine that smile has gotten him out of a lot of trouble and into even more beds.

I can't get lost in that smile. I can't read more into it than him just being friendly.

"You're holding my hand," I say, not making any sort of move.

"You were having a nightmare last night."

My blood runs cold. Xan used to tease me about muttering in my sleep, and I can't help but wonder what sorts of things I would've said loud enough for him to hear.

Did he lie down on the floor so he could hear me better?

I pull my hand back, and he doesn't seem offended as he pulls his own closer, positioning it under his cheek.

"Are you okay?" he asks, and the concern in his tone sounds genuine.

My first instinct is to lie, to tell him that I'm fine, but I can't fight the urge to continue testing the man. There has to be a chink in the hero armor he constantly wears.

"I need to talk to Beth."

"Okay," he says, shocking me because I figured Cerberus would do anything to keep the daughter of the crime lord away from one of their protected women.

"Okay?" I ask in disbelief because he agreed so quickly.

He nods as best he can in his lying position on the floor.

"I'll try and make arrangements."

"I don't want a formal meeting," I tell him. "It seems to businesslike. Maybe we can go where she might be and wait."

"Like an ambush?" he asks with a frown.

I don't know how to answer him so I remain silent.

As much as I want to clear the air with Beth, I also hate that she treated me the way she did. I made a sacrifice to protect her, and it was returned with anger and disrespect. I've done some pretty terrible stuff in my life at Nathan's insistence. He was a very good teacher when it came to malicious and immoral behavior and expectations, but I was always kind to Beth if you didn't count that first time when I didn't want to do the legwork to find scholarships for myself. Beth stood her ground, and I respected her for it. I still do and think that's why my feelings are hurt with the way she treated me.

It's been over a week since I've been here, and I'm hoping that's enough time for her to calm down. I know she probably hasn't been in many situations like we were in together and being terrified has a way of making you act out of character.

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