Page 42 of Brutal Ambition

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“Well, a cat and an iPad alarm, but I forgot to set that.”

“What are you doing now?”

“Fighting the urge to nap,” I text back. “I’m about to have a snack and do some studying before my next shift.”

“Your next shift?”

“I work a dinner shift today as well. Waitressing at an Italian place that has very good pizza. The tips are just okay, but at least I get some cash to tide me over until payday. Sundays are hell, I work all day, then I also have to squeeze in studying between shifts, so… yeah. Hell, lol.”

“Sounds hellish indeed. Do you have an early class tomorrow?”

“No, I take it easy on myself on Mondays since I’m recovering from Sunday and I have a lot of studying to do for Tuesday. I have a class from 10:30 to 11:45, but that’s it for my Monday. What about you?”

“My first class is at 10:30, too. Do you eat at the second job, or will you be hungry after?”

“I’ll be famished.”

“Great. Then you can bring my car back and I’ll make us something to eat.”

“You cook?” I ask with interest before realizing I can’t go to his place again.

“I eat, don’t I? I better know how to cook.”

I sigh happily. “I love a man that can cook. Unfortunately, I can’t hang out tonight. I’ll be dead on my feet after running around all day, so I won’t be much fun. And I need to feed my cat.”

“You need to feed your cat,” he replies, and I can practically hear his deadpan tone through the phone screen.

“And hang out with her,” I text back. “She misses me.”

“What if I miss you?”

My heart drops right out of its cavity at the unexpected flirtation. “You don’t,” I shoot back, “You’re just used to getting your way.”

“Maybe. In any case, you’re coming over. We can do it the easy way or the hard way.”

“What does the hard way entail?”

“Keep telling me no and you’ll find out.”

I crack a smile. “I mean, I haven’t actually SAID the word no…”

“Good. Don’t start now.”

I sigh, but before I have a chance to answer, he texts again.

“What time do you get off?”

“The restaurant closes at nine, but I’ll have to clean up. Then I have to swing by the apartment to feed Toast, so I can probably be there by ten.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”


My brain is fried by the time I’m leaving work.

I didn’t feel unsafe earlier because it was daytime. It’s been a dreary day, but the sky was bright enough so there was no darkness to hide in.

Can’t say that now.

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