Page 39 of Brutal Ambition

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He cocks an eyebrow, then glances down at his pocket as if he’d forgotten all about them. “I don’t need glasses. They were part of my costume.”

“Oh yeah? Can I see?”

“No,” he says dryly.

I shoot him an annoyed look, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “I thought maybe it would help me recognize your costume. Presently, you just look like a wealthy douche.”

He cracks a smile, his blue eyes twinkling with faint amusement. “You’re impertinent for a car thief who almost died tonight because she hasn’t had the good sense to spread her legs.”

That zaps some of the satisfaction I was just feeling, so I narrow my eyes at him. “It’s rude to taunt people over their trauma before a full twelve hours has passed, you know.”

“I’m a wealthy douche, remember? It’s time when I say it’s time.”

I roll my eyes at him and hand over Killian’s car key. “I assume you’ll see him before I do, so see that this gets back to Killian, hm?”

He shakes his head as if disappointed in me. “You’re doing this all wrong. You’re supposed to keep the car. Is this your first night as a felon?”

“It’s my first night as a lot of things,” I mutter before heading for the entrance to my building.

Strangely, I feel better knowing he’s there.

The guy’s a jerk, but at least if he’s one of Killian’s friends, I know he’s not here to murder me—and I know he’s probably here to make sure no one else does, either.

My nerves finally settle when I get inside the apartment and lock the door.

The place is dark and I’m relieved Stacie didn’t wait up for me. I grab a cold bottle of water out of the fridge and pad down the hall to my bedroom. The door is cracked open, and when I turn on the light, I see my kitty curled up at the foot of my bed.

Sighing happily, I climb onto the bed so I can cuddle up with her. “I’m so happy to see you.”

She shifts her body, stretching along mine so she can cuddle close.

I close my eyes and just give myself a moment to feel normal again.

I know there are things I need to do. I need to grab my iPad so I can find and lock my phone, I need to change out of Killian’s clothes, I need to plug the iPad in so I can use that alarm since I don’t have a phone tonight.

But right now, I just need to listen to the contented sound of my cat purring, curled up against my body.

If Kyle and his idiot friends had had their way tonight, I never would have been able to do this again.

Even though I know she can’t understand me, I tell Toast, “If I ever don’t come home one night, I hope you know it’s because I physically can’t. I would never abandon you by choice.”

She looks up at me as I give her the little head rubs she likes and I smile at her.

Eventually, I get up.

I use the app to find my phone and see it’s still at the frat house. It would be nice if that meant no one had found it somehow, but I doubt I’m that lucky. I mark it as lost and lock it anyway. The next screen asks me to enter a message that should show up on my screen, so I type, “If found, please turn in to campus lost and found.”

I don’t expect any of the jerks that were in the basement to do it, but who knows? It would be nice because I certainly can’t afford to buy a new fucking phone. Maybe they’ll just want this trace of me out of their house and they’re smart enough not to toss my things in a trash can.

But probably not. I should probably check their trash can.

Not tonight.

Tonight, I need to get some sleep.


When my eyes open, the light is hitting me at an unnatural and unpleasant angle. Why is it so bright?
