Page 190 of Brutal Ambition

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I know it isn’t that simple, but it is the closest thing to a lifeline the asshole could have handed me.

Sloane opens her bedroom door with a pleasant smile on her face. It must be bullshit. There’s no way she could still be happy to see me.

“Come in.” She steps back, absently smoothing down her white silk top and clasping her hands in front of the pale pink pencil skirt she’s wearing. “Would you like something to drink? I keep a mini fridge in here, so I have some drinks.”

I shake my head. “I’m good.”

She’s nervous. She tries to hide it behind her practiced politeness, but I can see it as she absently looks around for a place to sit as if she hasn’t been in her own room before.

“Over there works,” I say, nodding at the little sitting area she has set up with a white couch and chair around a coffee table.

She glances at me, then nods her agreement and takes a seat on the edge of the chair.

I sit on the couch.

Since I abandoned her at the party last night after taking her there, I figure I should probably apologize about that. “I’m sorry about last night.”

Her eyes widen slightly like that’s the last thing she expected me to say.

Which I guess is fair.

“Oh. Yeah, that was… not great.”

“I should have made sure you had a ride home.”

Her smile diminishes a bit when she realizes I was only apologizing for leaving her stranded and not literally everything else.

“Hex brought me home.”

I nod. I don’t have to worry about him pouncing on her like I would have worried if Brynn had been the one in his car, so I don’t bother asking about it. I know she made it home without any further damage being inflicted.

At least from him.

Which brings me to why I’m really here today.

“I know about you and Aiden.”

She freezes and quickly loses several shades of color.

I guess that answers my question.

I wondered, after I watched the video on the burner phone Aiden slipped into my pocket last night at the end of the fight, if Sloane ever would have told me on her own.

She wouldn’t have, and I would have hated being married to a woman who kept so much of herself secret from me. I know it’s probably a layer of self-protection, likely because she doesn’t feel she can trust me to love her if I know everything, but it’s just one more example of how fundamentally wrong Sloane and I are for each other.

I don’t know if Aiden is right for her, either.

I don’t know if he means anything to her.

I don’t know if she’s anything to him but a means to an end.

All I know is when Aiden leaned in and said, “I know how to get you out of your engagement,” my heart stopped. When I felt the weight of the phone he slid into my pocket, all I could think about was looking at what was on it.

I didn’t do it right away, of course.

I had Brynn with me, and she’s the biggest fucking distraction I’ve ever encountered, but once she was sleeping soundly in bed next to me where she belongs, I finally took the phone out of my jacket pocket and slipped into the bathroom.

And to say I was fucking shocked to see the video of Aiden’s face buried between Sloane’s thighs would be an understatement. It was probably an asshole thought, but I never really pictured Sloane being a passionate lover. The way she held onto his head and threw her head back… well, she had certainly let go.
