Page 185 of Brutal Ambition

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“I love you so fucking much, Brynn,” I murmur against her skin.

She doesn’t say it back, but she doesn’t have to. I know how she feels.

Once I can stand again, I do.

I look down at Brynn in her ruined dress and Hex’s fucking mantle, and the anger I just fucked out starts to resurface.

“Who bought you that dress?”

She looks up at me as she sits up, and the guilt in her eyes is all the answer I need.

My jaw locks.

The fucker brought her a dress.

Yep, I still need to punch him in the face.

“For future reference, Addison can pick out your clothes all she wants because you’re not into pussy, but if another fucking man offers to buy you a dress, you tell him no.”

She shoots me a dirty look, ignoring my crass words while taking the hand I offer to help her up.

Neither of us says anything, but I don’t let go of her hand as I drag her pretty ass back through the woods toward the party.

I don’t take her inside, though.

When we get close, I stop walking and turn back to her, drawing my key out of my pocket. “Give me your phone ticket. I’ve gotta run back inside for a minute, but you can wait for me in the car.”

“I’m not going home with you,” she mutters, pulling Hex’s mantle tighter around her since her dress isn’t doing the best job of keeping her tits covered and the security guard is looking our way.

“Yes, you fucking are, and I’m not arguing with you about it.” I hand her the key and grab her purse, finding the ticket myself since she’s being difficult. Then, handing it back to her, I say, “I’ll be right back.”

“Why are you going back inside?” she asks, but my back is already to her, and I don’t stop to answer her.

The security guard knows who I am, so he doesn’t stop me when I walk right past him.

As soon as I’m back in the building, all the feelings I had when I left it flood back in. I scan the area, looking for Hex and Aiden, and my annoyance intensifies when I find them together.

I’m down the steps and moving across the floor toward them in the span of a couple of heartbeats, and I feel mine pumping harder when I get Aiden between my crosshairs.

He isn’t facing me, he’s talking to Hex, so I see the black band stretched around the back of his head and know his mask is still on. So, when I walk up behind him, I grab him by it and yank him back.

I’m about to plant my fucking fist in his face, too, when someone grabs the back of my jacket and pulls me away before I can.

I swing around to glare at Hex, but he’s glaring right back, his blue eyes flashing dangerously.

“Get your hands off me,” I tell him, holding his gaze.

He knows I’d like to punch him, too.

He also knows I can’t.

He’s an asshole, but he’s still my friend, so despite being all over my fucking girl mere minutes ago, he tries to deescalate my anger. “I left you alone with her as a gesture, Killian. I hoped it would calm you down. But you know the rules. Blue Bloods do not fight over girls.”

“Let him go, Hex.”

For a second, I’m surprised when the guy I most want to punch in the face tells the guy holding me back to stop.

But when I look back at him holding the mask I broke, I can see his whole face.
