Page 148 of Brutal Ambition

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“Are you feeling any better?”

I nod. “Yeah. I’m sorry about last night. Everything happened really suddenly, and my former roommate was sleeping, so I just… I didn’t have anywhere to go.”

Actually, that reminds me Stacie never texted me back.

I put down the black and gray clicky pen I found in my bag. I think I accidentally stole it from the lounge when I was there today because I’ve certainly never seen it before, but it writes like a dream, so I’m keeping it.

I grab my phone and shoot a quick text to Stacie. “If the answer is no, that’s fine, but I do need my half of the security deposit back.”

I set my phone aside and turn my attention back to Addison. “Anyway, you’re an angel on earth and I appreciate you so much.”

“Well, I’m not that much of an angel,” she says, taking a seat on the edge of her bed and curling her leg beneath her other leg. “I knew about Sloane and Killian, and I didn’t warn you.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured.”

I didn’t want to say anything, but while I was lying in bed not sleeping, I had a chance to go over things, and I realized everyone knew.

When the Blue Bloods kidnapped me, Hex was essentially telling me Killian was going to fuck me over and making sure I’d keep my mouth shut anyway.

Ryan and Addison obviously knew.

I don’t know if Aubrey knew, but I’m pretty sure all the Blue Bloods did. It really feels like I’m the last to know, when arguably I should have been the most informed.

“I’m so sorry, Brynn. I wanted to tell you. I tried to hint and guide you without telling you, but…” She sighs. “You know about the Blue Bloods?”

I nod.

“Well, everyone says he is one, and when you interfere with a Blue Blood’s shenanigans, the outcome tends not to be so good for you. They’re total bastards, they will ruin your life—or take it—without blinking an eye.”

“I know. I understand why you didn’t say anything.”

“I just hate that you were blindsided like that.”

I nod. “It wasn’t the best, but I’ll survive.” Then, to lighten the mood a little, I tell her, “The worst part is we didn’t get to have Double Ryan night.”

Addison smiles. “Aw, don’t you worry. We’ll have Double Ryan night without him. Fuck Killian Walsh.”

Fuck Killian Walsh, indeed.


Killian texts me again before I go to bed, but I don’t answer him.

I can’t bring myself to delete the message chain yet, and I didn’t really read the messages I ignored earlier because my brain was just too foggy, but as I’m lying in bed in the dark, unable to sleep, I decide to scroll through them now.

The first one was last night after we left the apartment. “I’m so fucking sorry, Brynn. I didn’t want it to go like this.”

Yeah, me neither.

“I don’t think you should stay at the Zeta house. Why don’t you let me get you a hotel?”

Should have said something before I left with Sloane, but you didn’t want to say anything in front of her, did you? Asshole.

“Can you fucking answer me please?”


“I’m worried about you.”

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