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He grunted. "That is somewhat concerning. We need to get that checked out when we get back."

Someone across the other side of the room caught his attention and he leaned forward, nodding to them. “That’s Zaklar, I need to talk to him. Bear with me a moment.”

She nodded and leaned back, watching as Vaarn stood to speak with the imposing alien. He was tall, with jet-black scales that reflected the station’s bright lights like polished obsidian and small horns that jutted from his forehead, framing his angular face. He moved with a predatory grace as he rose to his feet, his yellow eyes taking in everything around him.

She leaned in, but once again, couldn't understand a word of the conversation. Sighing in disappointment, she sat back and started to doodle on the pad. Little scribbled designs like the one on the bracelet that Vaarn had given to her.

The meeting went on for an hour, but then a ringing chime went off and all conversation stopped. Vaarn dropped back into his seat and looked at her. “Lunch," he explained. "Are you okay?”

She suppressed a yawn. Doing nothing was as boring as hell. “Yeah, I think so.”

“Good.” He stood up. “Shall we go and get something from the buffet for lunch?"

"Sounds like a plan," she said, her stomach rumbling as she followed him out of the room. She had never been to a conference like this before and the whole morning had left her frazzled and hungry.

When they got there, she stared at the buffet table in confusion. “I don't recognize any of this food.”

The corner of his lips quirked. “Of course you don't. Most of it isn't human food.”

“I can see that.” She wrinkled her nose, eyeing two bowls which contained some sort of writhing, pulsating mass. Just looking at it made her feel ill. "I mean, they look like worms."

“They're exactly that,” he said. “Those are Pazian worms, very high in protein. I can’t recommend them though… They are not what they seem. And the little blue ones are Jveestian, also high in protein. They're safe for humans, but I warn you, they give you bad gas.”

She shuddered at the wriggling masses in the bowls. “I'll pass, thanks all the same.”

He chuckled, moving along the table. “These are Skallian slugs. Don't let their appearance fool you, they're delicious. Slithery, but delicious.”

She felt sick. “Okay, passing on those as well.”

He walked right by a bowl of what looked like vibrant, multi-colored flowers.

“Ooh, flowers? Can I try one?” She reached out for them, her fingers hovering over the bowl.

His hand shot out and latched around her wrist like a manacle, stopping her touching them. “No. They’re not flowers.”

She frowned. “What are they then?”

He shook his head, pulling her away. “You don’t want to know. Trust me.”

She pouted but followed him as he piled two plates with foods she recognised from the market on Devan Station and led her to a corner of the room.

They stood, eating in peace and watching the other conference goers. She felt totally out of place. Everyone seemed to know each other and chattered away, their voices mixing in a din that hurt her ears.

"I feel like I'm missing out," she murmured. "I can't understand anyone so I can't do anything to help. I feel like a spare part."

He tilted his head as he looked down at her. Damn, she kept forgetting how big he was. She was tiny next to him… and everyone else in the room. Like a little girl playing dress up. Why did humans have to be the smallest bloody species in the galaxy?

He looked at her sharply.

"You're not a spare part," he said in a low voice so only she could hear. "I admit, to begin with I didn't want you here on this mission. But your insight is invaluable when dealing with different species. You look at them in a way I never would think to, and that's priceless."

She shrugged, not convinced. "I don't know. I just feel so… out of place. Oh, it looks like we're about to have company."

He turned as Laythia, the striking woman with white hair and golden skin approached them. Sadie tried to keep the envy off her face. Laythia was tall and willowy, beautiful in a way that she would never be.

"Chief Engineer T'Kaan," Laythia greeted Vaarn, her voice melodic and lilting. She wore an amazing red robe that swirled around her slender figure, and shimmered with intricate embroidery. This close, Sadie could see her eyes were silver. "And you must be Lady Sadie T'Kaan." Laythia turned to her with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

She stood up, feeling a little intimidated by the alien woman’s poise and beauty. She’d never met anyone like her before. Was this the type of woman Vaarn was interested in?
