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Guilt twists my insides. Glancing down, I fiddle with the watch I always wear around my wrist. My brother’s watch. Or it was supposed to be, anyway.

“It’s not the same,” I say quietly, still looking down at the watch.

“Are you seriously telling me that things wouldn’t have been different if you’d had a bodyguard with you that day?”

“Well… no.” I look up, meeting his gaze again, and then throw out my arms in frustration. “But this is nothing like that! I’m twenty years old. I’m a university student. I don’t need a babysitter.”

He draws his pale brows down in a look of disapproval. “A bodyguard is not a babysitter. It’s someone who will keep you safe.”

“From what?” The words tear out of my lungs, full of anger and exasperation. “We deal in real estate, for God’s sake! It’s not as if I’m a mafia princess.”

“No, but I’ve still made enemies. Not to mention the risk that someone might kidnap you for ransom.”

“Kidnap me?” Staring at him, I shake my head. “You can’t be serious!”

“I am. Which is why?—”

His words are cut off by a short beep from the office phone on his desk. After blowing out a breath, he presses a button.

“Yes?” he says.

“Sir,” one of his assistants says on the other end of the line. “They’re here.”

“Great. Send them up.”

He presses the button again, ending the call. Pushing his chair back, he stands up and then brushes a hand over his blond hair as if to smooth it down. Suspicion pulses through me as he buttons his suit jacket and straightens his cuffs.

“Send who up?” I ask, slowly rising to my feet as well.

Dad walks around his desk and moves towards the center of the room. “I’ve hired a new bodyguard for you.”

“What?” Scrambling around my chair, I hurry after him. “But I thought you said that no bodyguard in this entire state would take the contract.”

“I reached out to someone else.”


“The Hunters.”

Shock clangs inside my skull, and I jerk to a halt on the floor. Blinking, I just stare at my father for a few seconds while I try to process what he actually said. When time still doesn’t make his words more logical, I quickly close the distance between us and grab his arm, turning him towards me.

“The Hunters,” I echo. “The legendary hitman family that’s connected to the Morelli mafia family.”

Dad nods. “Yes. I’ve done business with Jonathan Hunter before. Mostly retrieval jobs to recover some documents that were stolen during…” He gives his head a quick shake as if the details of that don’t matter. “Anyway, I reached out to him about finding a bodyguard for you and he said that he has the perfect person for the job.”

I just stare up at him with wide eyes. “You hired a hitman to protect me?”

“Yes. Now, be nice.”

Before I can retort, the door is opened and two men stride across the threshold. I whirl around to face them.

The man on the right looks to be in his late forties, with straight brown hair and sharp blue eyes. Which means that he must be Jonathan Hunter. The guy walking beside him can’t be anyone other than one of his sons. While their facial features are not overly similar, they’re built the same. Tall and broad-shouldered. I swear, the younger guy is even more muscular than his father.

I study him.

Like his dad, he also has brown hair. But as opposed to Jonathan, whose hair is straight and neatly styled, this guy looks like he has just rolled out of bed. His loose brown curls are effortlessly messy in a way that makes him look annoyingly hot. And his light brown eyes glitter in the sunlight streaming in through the windows.

“Jonathan,” Dad says as he holds out his hand to the legendary hitman. “Thank you for agreeing to this. I know that it was an unusual request.”

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