Page 34 of Enduring Darkness

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Sucking in a gasp, I suppress a shiver of pleasure while my mind desperately tries to figure out what the hell happened.

I move again.

Another ripple of pleasure goes through my core.

My eyes widen, because I suddenly understand what’s causing it.

That rope that Kaden wrapped around my waist and pulled between my legs before tying it to my wrists had one knot on it. Just one. And the rope also wasn’t really restricting me in any way. I thought it was odd but didn’t bother asking about it. Now I understand why he did it.

That merciless fucking bastard.

Every time I move my arms, which I have to do in order to crawl forward, I pull at the rope between my legs. And that damn knot in it rubs right against my clit every time. Since I’m wearing a skirt, the only fabric between the knot and my pussy is my thin underwear. I might as well be naked.

“Problem?” Kaden taunts, smug amusement pulsing from his voice.

“No,” I growl back.

He just lets out another one of those self-satisfied chuckles.

I start forward again.

The rope grinds against my clit, sending flickers of electricity through my veins. I grit my teeth and try to block it out.

Pleasure pulses through me as I crawl another step forward. Kaden follows next to me. I can feel him raking his gaze over my body, watching my reactions, which isn’t exactly helping me keep my head cool.

That damn knot rubs against my clit yet again, and I have to bite my tongue to stop a moan from slipping past my lips. I crawl another step forward.

Embarrassment and pent-up need swirl inside me, making heat radiate from my cheeks.

I wiggle forward, and then have to close my eyes and breathe slowly through my nose as another flash of pleasure shoots up my spine.

“Giving up?” Kaden mocks.

“No,” I snap.

Steeling myself, I move forward again.

But with every excruciating inch forward, that throbbing tension inside me grows stronger and stronger.

While biting back another moan, I crawl forward and stare towards the door. I’ve only made it halfway there. God damn it. How am I supposed to make it all the way over there without… coming.

Heat sears my cheeks just at the thought of it. I can’t have an orgasm here. Not like this. Kaden would never let me forget it.

“The next time you stop, I will interpret that as you giving up,” Kaden informs me. “So unless you want to spend the night tied up in this room, start moving and keep moving towards the door until you reach it.”

I try to glare at him, but since I can only see halfway up his legs, it’s not very effective.

After drawing in a bracing breath, I start moving again.

My clit throbs every time the knot rubs over it, and without those small breaks to recover, the tension thrumming inside me reaches unbearable levels.

A pitiful whimper spills from my lips.

While dragging in shuddering breaths, I desperately try to hold off the orgasm as I crawl towards the door.

Pleasure shoots through me with every jerk of my wrists.

I grit my teeth.
